Hi all,
For those of you unaware, answerMug is a very tiny outfit. The site was founded by a member from a corporate online community and has been privately funded ever since it's inception. It is also built on a modular system, tied together with numerous other networks. This is a great way for a small site to start out, but it has serious limitations for a growing site like answerMug has become. Moreover, that network has been killing us with server issues, causing glitches and downtime. This morning, we experienced an outage that lasted about 10 hours as a result.
The only way to fully be free of all these issues is to rebuild the site, totally apart from the existing network and framework. I am devoting as much as I can to doing this as quickly as possible. My intended completion date is two months from now, but we are pushing as hard as we can and I believe that with enough resources, we can get the site built and migrate everyone over in as little as one month.
Again, this site is privately-funded and does not earn any money yet. If you are able to help in any way, whether by reading our sponsored content, donating, or volunteering to be a beta tester on the site before it officially launches, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Regardless of your contributions in this capacity, you are a valued member of the answerMug community. I'm glad you're here and I appreciate your patience as we work to create a better Mugging experience.
For more information, please check out the "Help Us Grow" page.