Posted by
Standard Alien May 25, 2017 -
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Thought: Isn't being part of an online community kind of like being in a virtual reality or a simulation? You are a persona that gains a reputation and develops relationships with other personas in a little isolated world. But what if that world spontaneously ceases to exist? A random burst of nostalgia for the Ask.com community got me thinking about this (lol), but at least we were given prior notice and Askers could trade details and congregate elsewhere and etc. But what if that weren't an option? A world you've invested in is suddenly gone and you're left with no connections to that realm. On a larger scale, this could be like the creators of the simulation that is the universe, if we are indeed living in a simulation, deleting our world and all of its progress with one click. The only difference between the two is that we are actual people living part-time on a website, while the universe itself is comprised of our entire existence and consciousness. Anyhow, does this concept bother you at all, or is your time spent here in an online community completely for live-in-the-moment, instant-gratification purposes and it's fine if it happens to vanish overnight? Or maybe, is it fine if the same website still exists, but suddenly with a new community of people? (This is a manifestation of my sentimentally-charged annoyance at the Ask.com owners.)