Posted by
[W]e[y]lon Musk December 7, 2017 -
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Current Events & News
I have not written a blog since the last time I wrote a blog. With that said, I'm assuming you have not read a blog since the last time you read a blog. Now that we have that out of the wey, I am really going to discourage you from reading any further... or should I say farther? Farther along we will know all about it. I do not have anything super exciting to blog about these days and I do not like to complain, so I really don't even know why I have begun to write this blog, but here it is anywey.
Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but this here fire is so delightful. Seeing as how we ain't got no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. The weather is not really that bad here at this particular moment, but at twenty-eight degrees, it is one of our colder days/nights and it really is not that pleasing to me, so I am thankful to be in the great indoors. Writing about nothing is not as easy as I had hoped it would be, but still I will carry on. I wonder how those people who blog on a daily basis actually do it. It is like they have aliens living in their heads, and maybe even a tiny space station near their pituitary gland.
It is often a good sign when someone has nothing to write about, that is why we hear so many complaints on the internet. Everyone seems to be able to write when times are bad... but what about the good times, or even the non-eventful, peaceful and tranquil times in our life when we don't need to take tranquilizers? Are you a bad weather writer or a bad weather question asker? Is the weather always gloomy when you are around? How can we train our tiny minds to write about the wonderful things that are happening, that are alweys happening. Just because we do not feel a sense of euphoria does not mean that good things are not happening. Good and bad are both happening constantly, the only difference often is which you choose to focus on.
That is enough about that. I really thought blogging would help stretch my brain a little, make it easier for me to conjure up scrambled thoughts as easily as I could before... but behold, Something is missing. (I alweys wanted to say 'behold') What could be missing? Have I tortured my brain cells too much from all the drama over the last few years that they escaped out the window of time when they had the chance? Could I not be eating enough Wheaties? Not enough social interaction? Am I not reading enough? Have I stopped experiencing the things I need to in order to have the same crazy thoughts?
I find myself these days just wondering what to write. Even when it comes to a simple question. I ask a simple stupid question and you reply with a stupid answer or tell me how stupid I am. That is the wey it is supposed to be, but now I am reduced to writing about not knowing what to write about. I almost do not care what to write about, with one exception. I have been working on a book for quite some time now but when I go back to that, there is nothing to write about. Surely it will all come back to me. All I know right now is this blog needs to end, it should not have been started but I'll publish it anywey. Nice to see you by the wey.