Posted by
Mr Singh September 6, 2018 -
Filed in
Religion & Spirituality
Right, am here to spill a few beans about Sikhs, being a Sikh myself.
First of all, unfortunately we have secularisation amongst ourselves. One is cast and creed. Mind you, Guru Nanak the Sikh founder talked us out of it. Unfortunately we still take pride in calling ourselves "Jatt" or "Terkhaan" or "Chumaar." NOT only calling but acting it out too! This is the reason we built many Gurudwaras. Jatts think twice before entering a Gurudwara named "Guru Ravi Dass JI."
Second secularisation WAIT WAIT! Second? Thought first one was confusing enough... YES! Am afraid there is a second secularisation! Okay, you need to know, second secularisation does not come under caste, so whether you're born into Jatt or Terkhaan or Raajputh, doesn't matter. The way you dress and how you behave depends where you fall into this secularisation. IDK where or who fomed this second secualrisation, only bits n bobs.
2nd Secularisation, people choose. This is Taksali, Nihang, Amritsaari, Naamdhari and Bubber Sher. In order to be a TRUE Taskali ideally, you will have spent a few years in Damdami Taksal (Think of it like a Sikh University). You pray and learn literally for 18 hours per day. However, it is possible to STILL reach a saintly level even if you never ever visited Taksal/ learned from there, provided you follow a certain regime, WHEREEVER you are in the world. But being there boosts your spiritual chances greatly (where else will you get the opportunity to sit n pray hours on end)? Dress code; Navy round Turban and white coloured dress known as "Baana," can be creamy/ greyish too. Women where white dress with cotton dress (Known as Pyjaami) men may too wear this. Will have learned Shaster Vidiya (Sikh martial arts) and doing Katha (Sermons of the Lord).
Amritsari, as name suggests, are Sikhs practising stuff from Amritsar. Dress code; Orange Turban for both men and women with white clothing. Clothing for women is known as "Suit" and Kurtha pyjama for men (yeah jogging bottom/ cotton material trousers is known as Pyjamas in Punjabi, but we don't wear it to bed). A lot of them do Kirtan (Singing sermon using instruments).
Nihang are warriors! Fighters! They spend more time learning Shaster Vidiya and hand to hand combat than praying! Dress code: Navy Baana, like to carry weapon or tw either dark colour orange round turban or navy. Women wear same only with... (You guessed it), white "Pyjamas." Now, it is believed Nihangs will openly eat meat, going against the main stream Sikh's beliefs.
Naamdhari do a lot of Kirtan. I believe they're not baptised but they still have uncut hair and wear five K's at all times (same as Taksali, Nihang and Bubber sher). Dress code; white clothing, men wear white triangular turbans. Women wear all white with head scarf (Chunni).
Bubber Sher. Formed by Sikh warriors since 1920's (India war for independence) with the last true warrior being killed (or martyred) sometimes after 1990's I believe. These guys have balanced out prayers and martial arts. In order to be a part people must be baptised, do the 7 daily prayers, do a prayer called Sukhmani Sahib twice a day followed by 2.5 hours of meditation EVERYDAY! Sounds a lot but it's nothing compared to Taksalis.
Second secret, you're guaranteed to get fighting and arguments in Gurudwara ran by a committee! Especially close or after election days. Two opposing sides come and BAM! A fight breaks out RIGHT in front of Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS - Main Sikh scriptures but treated like a Living Guru) so respect must and is shown whilst in its presence... OH! So much for these committees who think it's okay to argue n fight in front of SGGS.
Third secret, people doing Katha will always praise other religion to ridicule Sikh listeners! like "Muslims have to pray X amount each day. They do it. Why are we not doing our 7 daily prayers?" (Mind you, takes a total of an hour or less). Or "Muslim kids start learning Quran at a young age off by heart. What are YOU doing with your kids? Do you even teach them any Sikhi in d house? Do you teach them Japji Sahib minimum?" And "When Christians are in the Church, they pray. What do we do in Gurudwaras when no Katha or Kirtan is going on? GOSSIP! Have we ever prayed before SGGS? who's present? right here/ now? What is the point of you coming to Gurudwara?" etc etc.
To end this, it doesn't matter what secularisation you have fallen into. Really doesn't. End of the day simply dressing up like a Sikh doesn't get you anywhere spiritually. Once you start praying, stop making excuses and stop masturbating (yes, lust is a minor sin). THEN you'll get somewhere. You'll start seeing Akaal Purkh's light within you n everyone/ thing. Then you'll be liberated whilst still alive. This is the purpose of Sikh (well, WAS the purpose until we ruined it all).
Finally, not everyone is secularised but they're just "Simple Sikhs," who do prayers, maybe learn Combat, learn much a possible what pleases/ displeases The Lord.
There is a fourth secret which my memory passed over. Know baptised Sikh girls residing in Western countries? They can be identified with round Turbans. They get told in katha/ home "When searching for marriage make sure the guy is baptised as well," what gets added behind closed doors? "Make sure he's highy educated as well..." WARNING to all the young Sikh lads! MAKE SURE YOU GET A GOOD EDUCATION! Or you'll have to take the alternative route like me... get married in India. Know in India? Three of my aunts are married and the Uncles (Their husbands) have short hair n beard. They seldom follow all other things i.e. prayers, visiting Gurudwara now n then, but the women do a lot more. For 30 plus years they're in a happy n healthy relationship. But in Western countries??? IDK, I suppose girls feel superior than everyone else and compete to get the highest degree boy along with being baptised. So much for letting go of your ego, hey?? They/ we get told "God will provide for you. We can only try..." And when seeking out a suitable Groom?? "Do you work? How much you earn? will that like even be enough?" and the BIGGEST Q... "Have you even got a degree?" So much for "God will provide for us," hey??