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Eliminate Food Waste
Posted by
Silverwings October 12, 2016 -
Filed in
Life & Society
Our country> USA, wastes tons and tons of food each day, while millions still remain hungry. USDA and EPA both feel it is time to change this situation, and something that baffles me is that the Rockefeller Foundation is getting on the bandwagon too, to the tune of 39 Million Dollars. This amazes me, as they are always listed on the conspiracy sites as being in cahoots with the NWO, and on the opposite of average humanity. I would like to help spread the word about this, and to help educate the masses on the thoughts of helping those around us who are struggling, as well as the thought that possibly with better usage of what we have, we just might be able to bring down the prices of the things we consume. I have just one link that I found that was very encouraging. Please add more as you run into them.
I would like to hear any constructive ideas concerning this.