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Randy D
  • Please ask them if they'd wear an unused black plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liner as clothing.  If so where, when and how?
    Last post by Benedict Arnold - June 24, 2016
    86 views 0 likes
  • My Mom let me borrow her car for the past few weeks. My father-in-law wanted to borrow it and let my husband know. I said if he wants to use it, he'll have to directly ask my mothe...  more
    Last post by leafyvegetable - June 25, 2016
    281 views 0 likes
  • Can you please ask them if they'd wear an unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liner as clothing.  What do they say and did they do it.
    Last post by Benedict Arnold - June 24, 2016
    86 views 0 likes