His face in repose always looks as if he very angry or miserable or unhappy or perturbed or fershimmered or unsettled or gobstomped.His face is ALWAYS animated at one of his hate r... moreHis face in repose always looks as if he very angry or miserable or unhappy or perturbed or fershimmered or unsettled or gobstomped.His face is ALWAYS animated at one of his hate rallies and is all over the place with grimace smile smirk snark sneer. Like a kaleidoscope of ugly. For effect? Mebbe. His peeps seem to adore every expression he can muster up.But in repose? A very unhappy homo sap. Why do you think that is? Stern is usually what he looks like. Maybe he is trying to appear to be very manly and firm and in charge. But seriously I am not convinced. less
All twits are the same in the dark. So are all tweets. One from another like no other? Creative inventive imaginative?NO.DullBoringUninspiringRepetitiveRACIST HATE brought forward ... moreAll twits are the same in the dark. So are all tweets. One from another like no other? Creative inventive imaginative?NO.DullBoringUninspiringRepetitiveRACIST HATE brought forward from antiquityDullBoringUninspiringRepetitiveRACIST HATE brought forward from antiquityTake two aspirin and call me in the morning if you still have a vast or half-vast pain. Okey dokey?
Laugh and the world laughs with youLaughter is the best medicine (or is it a jolly good sense of humor?)Smiling through your tearsThere are smiles that make me happy there are smil... moreLaugh and the world laughs with youLaughter is the best medicine (or is it a jolly good sense of humor?)Smiling through your tearsThere are smiles that make me happy there are smiles that makes me bluePut on a Happy FaceHappiness is a Warm Puppy (shades of Charles Schulz and Snoopy)MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY. MAKE JUST ONE SOMEONE HAPPY. AND YOU'LL BE HAPPY TOO. Do you? Are you?
Because the candy store owner "sizes you up" and believes he/she knows what would suit you best.So out of the hundreds of possibilities you may only select from the milk-chocolate ... moreBecause the candy store owner "sizes you up" and believes he/she knows what would suit you best.So out of the hundreds of possibilities you may only select from the milk-chocolate covered creams. Or maybe only the chewy candies like caramels or the nut brittles. Would you comply with that or would tell the candy store owner to shove it and walk out?That's kinda like limiting your choice on whom you may hire or choose as your veep. Who is going to stand for that? Kinda wimpy dont'cha think?
What are the characteristics you would have liked to have had in your president?For those in other countries. What are the characteristics you would like to have had in YOUR countr... moreWhat are the characteristics you would have liked to have had in your president?For those in other countries. What are the characteristics you would like to have had in YOUR country's leader? Ever had one with those attributes?