Allegedly one of the three was heard saying he planned to go out and buy an assault weapon so when the day came he shoot blacks. Don't know if it on a recording his voice was heard... moreAllegedly one of the three was heard saying he planned to go out and buy an assault weapon so when the day came he shoot blacks. Don't know if it on a recording his voice was heard or if it were overheard? But it clearly wasn't an anomaly.So how many cops in how precincts in how many cities in how many are weaponing up for that great day they all await...when the trump unleashes them for that great race war? Counting the days. Marking them off on their calendars?
VIOLENCE BY the FAR RIGHT is among American's most dangerous threats.Domestic terrorism by the far right far outnumbers anything from the left and has been so for decades.Ya got a ... moreVIOLENCE BY the FAR RIGHT is among American's most dangerous threats.Domestic terrorism by the far right far outnumbers anything from the left and has been so for decades.Ya got a lotta HATE groups on the right. WHITE based hate based race based throngers who mob together to plot and plan for "that great day when all he** breaks loose and the great race war will begin". What the far right hate-based extremists live for plan for stock up on assault weapons for. They know it will be under the reign of the trump. He is one of them. Any day now. Any day. Today? Tomorrow? Next Week? less
Do it immediately. It will save time and money and get the job done. No free speech. No free press. No peaceable assemblies to protest grievances against the gubment.. That should ... moreDo it immediately. It will save time and money and get the job done. No free speech. No free press. No peaceable assemblies to protest grievances against the gubment.. That should suit y'all just fine.
What nerve! Wanting we the people to stay alive survive thrive.The trump doesn't give a rat's a** who lives or dies. Never did. Never will. Can't.So folks FAIR WARNING.If you want ... moreWhat nerve! Wanting we the people to stay alive survive thrive.The trump doesn't give a rat's a** who lives or dies. Never did. Never will. Can't.So folks FAIR WARNING.If you want a president who doesn't give a sh** about you at all ya gotta re-elect the trump.If you don't well you know what would be the logical sensible reasonable thing to do. Vote for Biden.Of course you could always take the lazy sloth way out and not vote at all.Whatever.
Isn't that how they usually deal with rejection? Murder those who work there and blow up the building? So when is THE BIG SHOW planned for? I bet I know! The 4th of July with firew... moreIsn't that how they usually deal with rejection? Murder those who work there and blow up the building? So when is THE BIG SHOW planned for? I bet I know! The 4th of July with fireworks and a big band and hot dogs and beer for the onlookers there to cheer the blower uppers on and the blower upper murderer participants. What could be a better way to celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY? Hey hey hey!
I know what he can do. Have armed soldiers or National Guard or cops at all polling stations overseeing every voter and watching what he/she votes for.When the votes are for Biden ... moreI know what he can do. Have armed soldiers or National Guard or cops at all polling stations overseeing every voter and watching what he/she votes for.When the votes are for Biden they will get tossed out.Similarly the vote by mail votes will be placed in a very room and those who review them will toss out all votes for Biden/For the first time in history all votes will go to the incumbent magically! Not one vote for the challenger. The only way to insure what y'all are demanding. CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT. less