That's what dingbat wacadoodle cops do apparently when the DA does. Call in sick.That will show them!Show them what exactly? That you are a crackpot who is loyal to a murder with n... moreThat's what dingbat wacadoodle cops do apparently when the DA does. Call in sick.That will show them!Show them what exactly? That you are a crackpot who is loyal to a murder with no compassion at all for the murder victim? You oath to protect and preserve.
Remember The West Wing? Wife is a doctor who injects president hubby with whatever he needs to subdue whatever disease he suffers from. Good guys and bad guys do it.Methink the tru... moreRemember The West Wing? Wife is a doctor who injects president hubby with whatever he needs to subdue whatever disease he suffers from. Good guys and bad guys do it.Methink the trumb gubment is doing it.
He is an employee of we the people. Nothing more. Nothing less. Why he get privileged treatment? Why SHOULD he be treated better than his bosses? He is a subordinate. We HIRED him.... moreHe is an employee of we the people. Nothing more. Nothing less. Why he get privileged treatment? Why SHOULD he be treated better than his bosses? He is a subordinate. We HIRED him. He did not hire us. Well?
Because the man of whom he is most jealous and envious CREATED it via Executive Action. The trump will die trying to eradicate it and anything Obama accomplished.That is the only r... moreBecause the man of whom he is most jealous and envious CREATED it via Executive Action. The trump will die trying to eradicate it and anything Obama accomplished.That is the only reason he pulled out of all alliances that Obama joined thus jeopardizing our security and standing in the world. We are no longer partner or leaders to look up to. We are withdrawers aloners isolated from everyone to please the trump and we are seen as absolutely untrustworthy and undependable kibitzers. Who needs that? Who needs us? Well we do provide entertainment as a constant laughingstock but tinged with horror.The trump will go to any lengths to erase Obama from our collective memories. He doesn't care what it takes.Old dog gnawing on old bone. Forever. Until death them do part. SIGH less
That shows profound wisdom and very high intelligence doesn't it?Judging a book by its cover reeks of "smart". Stinks of it. Carries the same stench as skunks. Stink stank stunk.
Expect to GET AWAY WITH MURDER!Every blue sick flu pretender cop should be fired and never be hired as a cop again. SHAME ON THEM. SHAME ON THEM. SHAME ON THEM. SHAME ON THEM.
Protecting wrong and silencing right is what trump has done 24/7...his cohorts enabler facilitators lemmings have done the same darn thing. GO FIGGER! Colors that flock toget... moreProtecting wrong and silencing right is what trump has done 24/7...his cohorts enabler facilitators lemmings have done the same darn thing. GO FIGGER! Colors that flock together and all you know. You get fleas by lying laying in bed with flea-ridden DOGS.
What if he shows some GOOD FAITH along the line at some time will his adoring peeps abandon him or turn on him and make him pay for it?Your best guess?We know for sure they won't l... moreWhat if he shows some GOOD FAITH along the line at some time will his adoring peeps abandon him or turn on him and make him pay for it?Your best guess?We know for sure they won't like it. They voted him in specifically because they could coundt on him for showing BAD faith 24/7. For him a slip and flip if only for an instant might release the crackpot within them. Who knows? Does he dare chance it? No way in h** will he ever show good faith. Not to worry. He knows what works for him and he will stick with it. Scared you there for a minit didn't I? Oh ye of such little faith! He is your rock. Never forget that. Your salvation. Don't forget that too. less
They immigrated from a different planet?That explains much. His foreigness his lack of human emotions his lack of humanity. He is the spawn of alien beings from an elsewhere. Not h... moreThey immigrated from a different planet?That explains much. His foreigness his lack of human emotions his lack of humanity. He is the spawn of alien beings from an elsewhere. Not his fault he was born that way. Too bad he lacks the charm of e.t.
The trump immoral imperative will be front and center June 20, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 19,000 supporters will be inside butt to butt exchanging moist droplets as they cheer and st... moreThe trump immoral imperative will be front and center June 20, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 19,000 supporters will be inside butt to butt exchanging moist droplets as they cheer and stomp and shout and clap and dance up and down.Thousands more of the trump immporal imperative supportives will be in the overflow doing the same thing.Are the rich all as immoral the trump et al cabal? Mostly maybe?The bottom line "WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME? SCREW YOU!" crowd adore the trump who exemplies bigly all they stand for adore lust after live for. less
Will it take 2-3 weeks for the ultimate in ugly to surface?All the states where the spiking will go up up and out of sight will have trump to thank and all the adoring worhippers w... moreWill it take 2-3 weeks for the ultimate in ugly to surface?All the states where the spiking will go up up and out of sight will have trump to thank and all the adoring worhippers who are/became COVID 19 distributers. Remember the date the time the place the participants the purpose the raison d'etre.