Why does trump seek to apply every criticism of anyone as if it were directed at him? That is beyond queerly peculiarly and very oddball weird. He goes out of his way to be offende... moreWhy does trump seek to apply every criticism of anyone as if it were directed at him? That is beyond queerly peculiarly and very oddball weird. He goes out of his way to be offended when the offender has no thought about him at all. Perhaps that galls him. He expects to be the center of every universe and when he isn't he gets very angry hostile belligerent. Sheesh.
If the tshirt said "F--- you trump" I'd understand. If the tshirt said "Drop dead trump" I'd get it. If the t-shirt said " go to he** trump" no problemo. But it didn't say any of t... moreIf the tshirt said "F--- you trump" I'd understand. If the tshirt said "Drop dead trump" I'd get it. If the t-shirt said " go to he** trump" no problemo. But it didn't say any of those things. All it said was "I CAN'T BREATHE". Which is weird because that goes state to racist cops. Why does trump think it has anything to do with him?
Because is he so very frail and sensitive and delicate a flower that any criticism of him even benigh and distant destroys him. He will have none of it because he cannot survive un... moreBecause is he so very frail and sensitive and delicate a flower that any criticism of him even benigh and distant destroys him. He will have none of it because he cannot survive unless he is surrounded by love devotion loyalty silence assent bobbleheading robotic whinya** toady sycophants. His people. We know.
She has been handcuffed now and pulled out.So the trump shows his true colors. When he said he does not want protesters attending he meant it.She is being arrested for doing what? ... moreShe has been handcuffed now and pulled out.So the trump shows his true colors. When he said he does not want protesters attending he meant it.She is being arrested for doing what? For daring to wear a shirt that sez "I CAN'T BREATHE"She said she is being arrested for TRESPASSING simply for wearing the shirt. TRESPASSING for wearing the shirt at the rally of the trump.Would you arrest her for what she wears when all she did was sit down masked alone quietly minding her own business? What are you afraid of? What is trump afraid of?Her name is Sheila Buck. Make whatever you will of it but beware of what you wear. It can get you arrested.The trump is terrified of critics. Even quiet ones who don't say a word. He is terrified frightened insecure and quite pathetic. So much for being tough and strong and brave. HE CAVES at the words on t shirt? Seriously? less
Is that a TRAP to see who takes them and who doesn't?Your beloved trump may be testing you to see if you are really truly loyal to him. NO MASKS NO SANITIZER NO DISTANCING.Bring yo... moreIs that a TRAP to see who takes them and who doesn't?Your beloved trump may be testing you to see if you are really truly loyal to him. NO MASKS NO SANITIZER NO DISTANCING.Bring your guns your rifles and make sure you are loaded for bear. Ya don't know what's gonna happen but trump is COUNTING ON YOU TO BE THERE FOR HIM. Willya be?
They gave no REASON the court could accept for wanting to rescind DACA.That is to say to LOGICAL reasonable sensible reason.The trump thinks all has to do is DECREE and it shall be... moreThey gave no REASON the court could accept for wanting to rescind DACA.That is to say to LOGICAL reasonable sensible reason.The trump thinks all has to do is DECREE and it shall be.Didn't Piccard say "MAKE IT SO" or "MAKE IS HAPPEN"?The trump is no Piccard. His is weight light intellectually and very heavy physically. Would that it were the reverse! I will go with that.
Just like releasing his income taxes. It is that truth we find therein that he cannot afford to have released.Suppression of truth is the only worth suppressing.I say "trump is a r... moreJust like releasing his income taxes. It is that truth we find therein that he cannot afford to have released.Suppression of truth is the only worth suppressing.I say "trump is a robot". An apparent lie. Why would trump try to suppress it?I say "trump fathered an African American child with Lena Horne". An apparent lie though it could be true. It wouldn't go over so big with his white racist base though would it? How do we know it isn't true?I say trump's home planet is in another galaxy. Probably not true so why would he sue? less
Well ya see it's like thisFederal Judge Royce C. Lamberth said he doesn't really see how he will be able to stop the book from being released. There is no clear path for him that h... moreWell ya see it's like thisFederal Judge Royce C. Lamberth said he doesn't really see how he will be able to stop the book from being released. There is no clear path for him that he can see to effect trumps heart's desire to silence yet another whistleblower.
"Above all else I will protect my a** and the a**es of my co-cops and the rest of you are on your own all alone."There ya. Being able to read between the lines is helpful. If you a... more"Above all else I will protect my a** and the a**es of my co-cops and the rest of you are on your own all alone."There ya. Being able to read between the lines is helpful. If you aren't then being able to connect all the actions of all the cops who have murdered others and the cops who supported them. All ya gotta do is PAY ATTENTION .
Jes like good old boy trump. Don't believe what you see. Don't believe what you hear. That isn't really what's happening. BELIEVE ONLY ME! Only I know what's true.Lawyers. LIARS.