Orange Country, California I know is deep red. He's be safe there. Turnout natters to trump very bigly. He equyates with the size of fans. The bigger the morer the surer he is that... moreOrange Country, California I know is deep red. He's be safe there. Turnout natters to trump very bigly. He equyates with the size of fans. The bigger the morer the surer he is that he is adored. The smaller the worser and it could drive him into a deep depression.
If winning is the only thing or everything that means everything is on the table no matter whom it hurts or what it destroys. Big price to pay by someone just so you can "win". Ya think?
Allegedly thousands of them requested FREE tickets never intending to use them. The idea was to embarrass trump by having him expect to have a huge audience there. It worked. Kinda... moreAllegedly thousands of them requested FREE tickets never intending to use them. The idea was to embarrass trump by having him expect to have a huge audience there. It worked. Kinda like Charlie Brown planning to kick the football and it's whisked away and he falls flat on his a**.
Orange County, California is a hotbed of red. Lots of wealthy MAGAS live there. I believe it was the influex of people of color to our state that turned us from red to blue. Eventu... moreOrange County, California is a hotbed of red. Lots of wealthy MAGAS live there. I believe it was the influex of people of color to our state that turned us from red to blue. Eventually that will happen to every state.So it's the reds who drive up the spikes and surges since they are disdainful of whatever the trump disdains.
Why not extrapolate to other things then?Driving. Let them "do the right thing" on their rather than follow rules regs signs. They'll feel a whole lot better about it.See all you h... moreWhy not extrapolate to other things then?Driving. Let them "do the right thing" on their rather than follow rules regs signs. They'll feel a whole lot better about it.See all you have to do is pay attention and you will find nuggets of gold scattered here and there. I think de Santis is definitely a nugget don't you?
So what exactly have African Americans been celebrating for so many decades? EVERY YEAR regular as clockwork June 19 rolls around and is celebrated. Not just only by African Americ... moreSo what exactly have African Americans been celebrating for so many decades? EVERY YEAR regular as clockwork June 19 rolls around and is celebrated. Not just only by African Americans. But also by their families and friends and co-workers and neighbors. It may be that the trump knew nothing about it but he has some nerve speaking for "everyone".
Lack of intellect is the foundation of the trump appeal. When you listen to him speak you know you are smarter than he is. Not remotely intimidating. Sadly.
Sez we have tested 25 million Americans andHe sez he asked his people to please SLOW DOWN TESTING.Your prez at his best. A problem solver. A solution finder. Worth his weight in gold.