Had he the courage the guts the spine the decency to make that same speech word for word outside among the people that would have been a brave things to do even though the speech w... moreHad he the courage the guts the spine the decency to make that same speech word for word outside among the people that would have been a brave things to do even though the speech was disgusting and insulting.But he didn't. The cowardly scairdy cat was well hidden well protected and very safe from any harm that might befall him. He is a piglet isn't he?
From hiding in a bunker in the bowels of the whitehouse due to terrification and fearifcation of what might come to a stroll out and about showing what a tough guy strong man he wi... moreFrom hiding in a bunker in the bowels of the whitehouse due to terrification and fearifcation of what might come to a stroll out and about showing what a tough guy strong man he wishes you to believe he is.Did it work?Do you think you have a tough guy fearless prezorDo you know he is still the scairdy cat coward he always was? He was protect by a bazillion armed folks whe he showed up outside. Brave man. Right? Strong leader. Right? Tough. Fearless. Invincible. Right?