The don threatens to get the military to come into your towns to restore law and order. The mlitary!Fast forward because whatever donnie wants donnie gets. How will you react to se... moreThe don threatens to get the military to come into your towns to restore law and order. The mlitary!Fast forward because whatever donnie wants donnie gets. How will you react to seeing soldiers in your streets patrolling them 24/7?Whether that arcane thing is activated or not...what is happening to America?
To stop the protesting all over the land. It frightens him you see. It means "the people" are turning against him. Remember he is the center of the universe and these people are no... moreTo stop the protesting all over the land. It frightens him you see. It means "the people" are turning against him. Remember he is the center of the universe and these people are not paying due homage to him. They are mourning losses and speaking up and out against them. Where is he in all there conversations? NO WHERE. HE IS IRRELEVANT.The don thinks that is despicable. He is disdainful of the right of the people to gather peacefully to protest wrongs. So it's a Constitutional Right? What does that mean to him?He likes LAW AND ORDER. Except of course when it comes to him. To him a law is something to go around over under through. But for the likes of YOU? No way. He wants ORDER everywhere. He wants no protests for anything at anytime anywhere. It TERRIFIES him when he is not center stage in the spotlight holding court.So of course he is advocating strong arm tactics, intimidation, incarcerationm using weapons against the people. How far will he take this? I dunno.Allegedly his advisors are telling him to shut th... less
I know most recently a first responder was murdered while sleeping in her own bed...8 bullets hit her. Mistaken Identify. Oops. I wonder if her husband, now a widower, got an apology?
Remember those? Swarms and throngs and gangs and groups of people just show up somewhere to party on have fun fun funnd do as much damage to the location as they can? They called t... moreRemember those? Swarms and throngs and gangs and groups of people just show up somewhere to party on have fun fun funnd do as much damage to the location as they can? They called them RAVES back in the day. Well the white supremacists are raving lunatics so what better environment for them to be than in a RAVE? See how simple it is? All ya gotta do to figger it out is stop and think about it. I know thinking is REAL HARD work. Wish there were a way to make it easier but there isn't.Now we know raving lunatics attend RAVES and the current crop is all white supremacist working incognito as antifa to give the don of johns the joy he demands of them. less
Usta be that being truthful being fair being kind being polite being respectful being helpful being dependable were qualities we all aspired to have and what we used to teach our c... moreUsta be that being truthful being fair being kind being polite being respectful being helpful being dependable were qualities we all aspired to have and what we used to teach our children as worthy of being.We see that repeatedly the ANTI all of that is where the power is. How can that be?Could it be that we have deluded ourselves all these years? Could being honest fair kind polite respectful really be DEFECTS in the species homo sap? I dunno. Something to consider though things being what they as they are so far. less
THEY"RE BAAAAAACK!White Supremacists are the golden kids for the don of many johns gubment and liddlebillybarrroycohnFAKE AG.They are at all the protests dressed in black pretendin... moreTHEY"RE BAAAAAACK!White Supremacists are the golden kids for the don of many johns gubment and liddlebillybarrroycohnFAKE AG.They are at all the protests dressed in black pretending to be ANTIFA. However to whit all twits forsooth and YIKES the SOB's are blaming all of it only on ANTIFA. Why d'ya suppose that is? DUH? Right big DUH! Well the white supremacists are a big part of the many johns don base and he don't dare offend them. Plus which he likes it when they go in trash stuff throw things burn things steal things and the left-wing folks get BLAMED for it. ALL OF IT. They are the favored ones the golden ones the black sheep who can do and do do do do do whatever they want because well ya see the don of many johns has a soft spot in his gut for them.More to come. Same tune..Sigh. less
Shock and awe right? Surprised right? Never wouldda couldda guessed it in a bazillion years right?All of the above is ALLEGEDLY. Do I know that for a fact? Did I fact check re... moreShock and awe right? Surprised right? Never wouldda couldda guessed it in a bazillion years right?All of the above is ALLEGEDLY. Do I know that for a fact? Did I fact check research it? No I did not. Just reported. True or faux would I swear on it? No because I am not the one that did the research and came up with those numbers. For what it's worth. True or faux? I DO NOT KNOW!