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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Could what we used to look up to as virtues really be defects in the species?

Could what we used to look up to as virtues really be defects in the species?

Usta be that being truthful being fair being kind being polite being respectful being helpful being dependable were qualities we all aspired to have and what we used to teach our children as worthy of being.

We see that repeatedly the ANTI all of that is where the power is. How can that be?

Could it be that we have deluded ourselves all these years? Could being honest fair kind polite respectful really be DEFECTS in the species homo sap? I dunno. Something to consider though things being what they as they are so far.

Posted - June 1, 2020


  • 6477
    No, I think those are still the right values - it's just the current situation has turned everything good and decent on its head :(
      June 1, 2020 4:36 PM MDT