Well ya see President Barack Obama could never do/say anything right in their eyes whereas the powers that be can never do/say anything wrong.Now realistically logically reasonably... moreWell ya see President Barack Obama could never do/say anything right in their eyes whereas the powers that be can never do/say anything wrong.Now realistically logically reasonably sensibly truthfully that cannot be. But it is in their opinion and their opinion is the only truth they will accept acknowledge comprehend understand process. Figger that one out if you can.Black/white. Either/or. My way or the highway.No middle. No maybe. No compromiseBlack/white. Either/or. My way or the highway. Well ya see it's like this. It is what it is. They are what they are. We are what we are. And that's the name of THAT tune! :) less
What's the very worst thing anyone ever convinced you to do to believe to NOT do to NOT believe? Are you still caught in the web with no exit? Are you TRAPPED?
We act we deserve the consequences.We don't act we deserve the consequences.Either way it's A-OK. You go your way and we go ours. Whatever happens happens. Deservedly. Any problem with that?