The MORTALITY RATE per Dr. Anthony Fauchi is TEN TIMES THAT OF THE FLU.So for all you smarty pants who keep saying it's no big deal how about finding out about it instead of just s... moreThe MORTALITY RATE per Dr. Anthony Fauchi is TEN TIMES THAT OF THE FLU.So for all you smarty pants who keep saying it's no big deal how about finding out about it instead of just sluffing it off like so much dry skin? What could it hurt to educate yourselves? Every one says so. That I can tell you.
All to take down and out DUMB DON! Gotta happen right? We have the whole world in our hands...err no that's GOD. We have the whole world HOAXED. Poor dumb don. He didn't know what ... moreAll to take down and out DUMB DON! Gotta happen right? We have the whole world in our hands...err no that's GOD. We have the whole world HOAXED. Poor dumb don. He didn't know what hit him.I'm gonna keep harping on it folks cuz y'all made dam* fools of yourselves and because of that PEOPLE DIED. Congrats for following so devotedly the most stupid dumb idiot ever born. You sure got good taste.It's what you get folks for makin' whoopee with the stupid dumb don.HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX.He is and y'all are! Dam* fools aren't ya? Do you have the character to KNOW y'all are DAM* fools for sucking up to the dumb don and going along with him? Or do you still INSIST it was and is ALL A DEM HOAX? Sheesh.REST IN PEACE less
Thanks to dumb don who HOAXED his way through it FOR WEEKS and HOAXED his adoring worshipper folks to HOAX THEIR WAY THROUGH IT TOO!Any of those hoax folks quarantined? Any of them... moreThanks to dumb don who HOAXED his way through it FOR WEEKS and HOAXED his adoring worshipper folks to HOAX THEIR WAY THROUGH IT TOO!Any of those hoax folks quarantined? Any of them die yet because of dumb don's dumb don PRETENSE that it was all an evil DEMOCRAT PLOT ALL HOAX TO TAKE HIM DOWN?Good job for those who still believe the jacka** stupid dumb dumb don. Worry about whomever your stupid dumb disbelief caused to die. You think that's harsh? You will never know how much YOUR STUPID DUMB will have caused grave tragedy. You don't care. Just like the stupid dumb don. You are all PATHETIC. less
The blue gloves were VERY DIRTY when we were done. So from now on and everyly we will wear them when we go to the market. FYI. Ignore or pay attention as you see fit! :)
Or do you love living the yo yo life?Sometimes you fly way up to the sky. Other times you crash down reel reel fast reel hard. Life on the edge. Of what? Bankruptcy indigestion a n... moreOr do you love living the yo yo life?Sometimes you fly way up to the sky. Other times you crash down reel reel fast reel hard. Life on the edge. Of what? Bankruptcy indigestion a nervous breakdown?
ESPECIALLY dumb don being one.Wait and see.Dumb don is in the HIGH RISK group. He is over 65. Fat. Out of shape. Does not exercise. Eats junk food.Lots of underlying negative condi... moreESPECIALLY dumb don being one.Wait and see.Dumb don is in the HIGH RISK group. He is over 65. Fat. Out of shape. Does not exercise. Eats junk food.Lots of underlying negative conditions for him. Even if he were to die they would lie and get an actor (HOW ABOUT ADAM BALDWIN?) to pretend to be him. Prop up a dead body and drag it around town. Say the deadhead is off playing golf somewhere out there. Breaking News one day or same old same old? I dunno. Stay tuned. What could it hurt? Everyone says so. That I can tell you. Everyone says so. less
I wonder how long these cancellations will be needed to contain COVID 19? And what the loss in revenue will utimately be? Or the massive disruption of lives?