The Democratic party still exists.On the other side what we have now is a group of people who support racists, bigots and incredibly stupid dumb conspiracy theories. They are for t... moreThe Democratic party still exists.On the other side what we have now is a group of people who support racists, bigots and incredibly stupid dumb conspiracy theories. They are for the most part nutjob crackpot whackadoodlenoodles. They live in an alernate reality and are gaining ground.Step back. Wait. Watch. Who will emerge on top? The main nutjob crackpot whackadoodlenoodle is trump of course. Everyone who adores him is likewise a nutjob crackpot whackadoodlenoode who sing his song 24/7. I WUZ ROBBED.Weird. Wild. Queer. Peculiar. Odd. Bizarre. This is the way it ends. Entropy. less
A WUSS demands loyalty. A WUSS demands everyone to fall on the sword for him. A WUSS insists he is never to blame for anything ever. A WUSS is a massive COWARD in all things. The t... moreA WUSS demands loyalty. A WUSS demands everyone to fall on the sword for him. A WUSS insists he is never to blame for anything ever. A WUSS is a massive COWARD in all things. The trump is the worst WUSS ever.WUSSWeakling. Wimp.
Say ya got a guy who insists he is a MACHO MACHO MACHO MAN who 5 times draft dodges based on lies. COWARDS are girly men.Now women who do jobs previously done by men are not "manly... moreSay ya got a guy who insists he is a MACHO MACHO MACHO MAN who 5 times draft dodges based on lies. COWARDS are girly men.Now women who do jobs previously done by men are not "manly".What do I mean? Well the gals who support the guys who are rats and bums and creeps. Maybe they want to be like them so they adore them and admire them and respect them and VOTE FOR THEM. They are not normal women.A woman being "girly" is fine. A man being "girly"? The "girly" man expects others to protect him support him defend him and keep him from harm. That is not being a MANLY man in my book. Is it in yours? less
Among mineWHO CARES?IT DEPENDS (when that is all that is given and no examples of the it depends is provided)WHADDABOUTS (you know those who NEVER answer the question and go off on... moreAmong mineWHO CARES?IT DEPENDS (when that is all that is given and no examples of the it depends is provided)WHADDABOUTS (you know those who NEVER answer the question and go off on a tangent)Not answering the question I asked but using it as a springboard to what the replier wants to talk about"Answering" the question with a questionA grown up adult person should have no triggers. Correct?Well different strokes for different folks. Color m childish or childlike or whatever. Are you a grown up with no triggers? less
Well ya see ya gotchure WHO CARES folks who show up and dumpt that crap and that's lal they contribute.WHO CARES? WHO CARES? WHO CARES?A gambit/a schtick, a PUTDOWn. A supercilious... moreWell ya see ya gotchure WHO CARES folks who show up and dumpt that crap and that's lal they contribute.WHO CARES? WHO CARES? WHO CARES?A gambit/a schtick, a PUTDOWn. A supercilious arrogant and insulting 'contribution". I say STIFLE IT. If you don't care bug off.