You are scapegoated so in turn you scapegoat another who in turn scapegoats a never-ending row of dominoes. You get push down you push someone down and so on for inf... moreYou are scapegoated so in turn you scapegoat another who in turn scapegoats a never-ending row of dominoes. You get push down you push someone down and so on for infinity infinitely?Is that supposed to balance things out?What you get done to you do too?Sigh. Homo saps are really odd.
That is where the designated scapegoat comes in. Or scapegoats depending upon the DOGMA of the superiors.You can't have one without the other. Perfectly logical.So there will alway... moreThat is where the designated scapegoat comes in. Or scapegoats depending upon the DOGMA of the superiors.You can't have one without the other. Perfectly logical.So there will always be "the other" against whom the Superiors will rate their hate. Its ilk is not their ilk.There ya go. Now ya know.DOGMAA system of principles or tenets, as of a churchA specific tenet or doctrine authoritatively laid down as by a churchPrescribed doctrine. Political DOGMAA settled or established principle belief systemDOGMATICAsserting opinion in a Doctrinaire or ARROGANT manner; opinionated. As you can easily gather all group SUPERIORITY is always all about dogs. Woof woof! Bow wow. less
How do you weed out those doomed to fail because they are LOSERS?What tests must they take that they can't outsmart?If you make a cake with inferior ingredients guess what? You get... moreHow do you weed out those doomed to fail because they are LOSERS?What tests must they take that they can't outsmart?If you make a cake with inferior ingredients guess what? You get an inferior cake! Conversely if you always use the BEST ingredients chances are the cake will always be very good if not great.What's wrong with making CERTAIN the ingredients are the best BEFORE you start mixing?
So do the particulars about the nature of the spirit and what is requred to "believe".What if every believer referred to the supreme being by the same name? What if the tenets upon... moreSo do the particulars about the nature of the spirit and what is requred to "believe".What if every believer referred to the supreme being by the same name? What if the tenets upon which this belief were based were the same?What would such a "what if" produce with regard to how homo saps relate to one another, think about one another, do to one another?
It ABSOLUTELY gave ABSOLUTION to trump. Unilaterally singlehandedly absolutely!A judge called Barr "disingenuous" which is a polite word for LIAR!So what's the excuse THIS ti... moreIt ABSOLUTELY gave ABSOLUTION to trump. Unilaterally singlehandedly absolutely!A judge called Barr "disingenuous" which is a polite word for LIAR!So what's the excuse THIS time for preventing we the people from accessing THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH?
Is it possibly perhaps they already KNOW all they need to KNOW about everything that is worthy of KNOWING and therefore nothing is left to wonder about?Know nothings. Know everythi... moreIs it possibly perhaps they already KNOW all they need to KNOW about everything that is worthy of KNOWING and therefore nothing is left to wonder about?Know nothings. Know everythings? Somewhere on the line between the two?Do you wonder at all? If so about what?
Food for starters. What else does a Foodie think a lot about?Did you know the following?There are 7500 varieties of Apples4000 varieties of potatoes1000 varieties of bananas2000 va... moreFood for starters. What else does a Foodie think a lot about?Did you know the following?There are 7500 varieties of Apples4000 varieties of potatoes1000 varieties of bananas2000 varieties of peaches20 varieties of plums60 varieties of grapes4 varieties of coffee beans 21 varieties of grainsYou get the picture. There was nothing. BOOM. There was something. Over time (not sure how long) billions of varieties developed. HOW?Chicken or egg? Seeds began everything? Where did THEY come from? Out of nothing?We ignore the massive mystery of life and focus on its zits and scars and disfigurements. Politics CONSUMES billions of people who are totally OBLIVIOUS to everything else in life. Tiny brains that never developed nor will they. Petty intrigues and differences that ought never be but are in multiplicity that lead to war.They have a bounty..a sumptuous banquet from which to choose and what do they focus on?The mystery meat hot dog. That is what their appetite craves. The mystery meat hot dog. Nothing else appeals to ... less
Niccolo was ANTI-CHRISTIAN. The handbook was about how to get power and keep it. When you say someone is "machiavellian" you men he is COLD and DUPLICITOUS.The "dark triad" of pers... moreNiccolo was ANTI-CHRISTIAN. The handbook was about how to get power and keep it. When you say someone is "machiavellian" you men he is COLD and DUPLICITOUS.The "dark triad" of personality traits?MACHIAVELLIANNARCISSISMPSYCHOPATHYAll despot dictators are that. Underlying which they are frightened terrified scairdy cats. They are anti-manly and cannot abide being criticized. They demand complete subservience obedience and adoration. They have no self-esteem or self-liking. At the same time they have delusions of grandeur and believe they are the very best of the best. Dichotomous every minute they are fractured defective deformed delusional.I DARE YOU to show me one despot dictator who isn't! You can't.Millions worship like he** all of them. Like is drawn to like. All the adoring worshippers of these defective frightened homo saps don't know any better. Don't want any better. Wouldn't know what to do with any better. less
Whinya** simpering wimps is what they are. Demanding complete obedience and loyalty they never give it.Spineless frightened worthless pitiful lumps of DNA. Scared of their shadows ... moreWhinya** simpering wimps is what they are. Demanding complete obedience and loyalty they never give it.Spineless frightened worthless pitiful lumps of DNA. Scared of their shadows and terrified of TRUTH!And millions adoringly worship them. Go figger! :(