An "activist" PROTESTS CRITICIZES the power that bees or the powers that be.That is not allowed.That is dangerous.All activists critics dissidents anti-heads MUST BE DESTROYED BY A... moreAn "activist" PROTESTS CRITICIZES the power that bees or the powers that be.That is not allowed.That is dangerous.All activists critics dissidents anti-heads MUST BE DESTROYED BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!Sheesh. Pantywaist weaklings. All ya gotta do is shut your mouth...go silent dumb...stifle it. Lie. Pretend.Everyone does it. Stop avoiding being everyone and just join in and disappear into the crowd. Everyone always knows best. Silence is golden. Do you know which side YOUR bread is buttered on?
As long as you get them why do you care who gives them to you or allows you to have them?Right?Political views...all are welcome. All extremes are welcome. Anything goes. Is long a... moreAs long as you get them why do you care who gives them to you or allows you to have them?Right?Political views...all are welcome. All extremes are welcome. Anything goes. Is long as YOU survive what the he** right?As long as the head provides for you and doesn't attack you what do you care if he worship the devil murders people in every city (except yours) tortures rapes cheats crushes destroys lies? What's it to you what kind of 'character' or lack thereof the big shot is or has or does. As long as it is done to "others" not you. Makes sense. Why make waves?. Just go along to get along. Everyone does it. Everyone says so. How can everyone be wrong about anything? Everyone agrees they are always right about everything all the time. less
There have been DOZENS of "presidents" in America. What we need is a brand new designation.All ideas welcome. What would you like your next trump to be called?It must not be any wo... moreThere have been DOZENS of "presidents" in America. What we need is a brand new designation.All ideas welcome. What would you like your next trump to be called?It must not be any word having been used before like King. Too ordinary.Something SPECTACULAR UNIQUE ONE OF A KIND.There's time to think up something wondrous. Get crackin'.
It makes perfect sense. They know in advance the result they want so all they have to do to insure it is to control the election, the voting, the counting, the legalizing, the auth... moreIt makes perfect sense. They know in advance the result they want so all they have to do to insure it is to control the election, the voting, the counting, the legalizing, the authorizing, verifying. No sweat. It's set. Sure thing. Amazing.One wonders WHY they didn't think of it hundreds of years ago?
You would dial the weight you wanted to be and your METABOLISM would activate and get you there.So that's the wishful thinking part.Anyone know how to effect that?
TruthBeing disagreed with/criticized damages their fragile egos and heightens their sense of inadequacy lack of intellect and lack of purpose other than to CONTROL RULE POWER and O... moreTruthBeing disagreed with/criticized damages their fragile egos and heightens their sense of inadequacy lack of intellect and lack of purpose other than to CONTROL RULE POWER and OVERPOWERBig tubs of hot air.Whatever the size the innards are identical. Yellow belly cowardsTerrified frightened little babies who scream and cry and hissy fit and tantrum to keep people from learning how small and insipid and impotent they really are. You know that though right? No surprise to you.
152 lb.Allegedly trump is 6' 3"Putin is 5' 6""Brother from a different mother. Didja know?Trump is the supersized extra large gargantuan humongous huge and weighs more than twice w... more152 lb.Allegedly trump is 6' 3"Putin is 5' 6""Brother from a different mother. Didja know?Trump is the supersized extra large gargantuan humongous huge and weighs more than twice what his little brother weighsPutin is the pipsqueak sizeRemember the movie with Danny de Vito and Arnold Schwarzenegger where they were brothers too?
Put him in a very large tomb on which is inscribed every single tweet he ever tweeted.Every word of every single rally speech he ever utteredEvery word of every TV appearanceI know... morePut him in a very large tomb on which is inscribed every single tweet he ever tweeted.Every word of every single rally speech he ever utteredEvery word of every TV appearanceI know. The tomb will have to be very huge but he is worth it.That way the adoring worshippers can pilgrimmage there and read and reread and reread his every word. IMMORTALITYWhat perfecter way to honor his existence and what he did for this country than that?