It is an ancient CHINESE military treatise written in the 5th century BC by a very famous CHINESE military strategist.It was translated by the French in 1772 and published. It was ... moreIt is an ancient CHINESE military treatise written in the 5th century BC by a very famous CHINESE military strategist.It was translated by the French in 1772 and published. It was published again in 1782.I think "the art of the deal' is a knockoff.I think the trump is ignorant about Sun TZU a CHINESE man from whom much wisdow and knowledge flowed.Imagine that?I don't know if trump did the knocking off or his GHOST WRITER who actually wrote the book.Kinda interesting though.
His millions of white supremacist domestically violent terrorists failed insurrectionists are champing at the bit and waiting waiting waiting for the that dam* DOGWHISTLE.Is he sle... moreHis millions of white supremacist domestically violent terrorists failed insurrectionists are champing at the bit and waiting waiting waiting for the that dam* DOGWHISTLE.Is he sleeping? What is trump doing every day now? DOGWHISTLE old man! JUST DO IT for cryin' out loud. What else are you good for?
Ya got ure tail lure and ya got ure step on the neck and ya got all of them supporting full speed ahead onthe Cannibals who create the child sex trafficking/murdering cabal that tr... moreYa got ure tail lure and ya got ure step on the neck and ya got all of them supporting full speed ahead onthe Cannibals who create the child sex trafficking/murdering cabal that trump was sent by GOD himself to stop.You betchure bippy. All of them without exception are on board with THAT. Deep state dark gubment created just to destroy a trump!The infamous "THEY" are working diligently everywhere in everyway to insure a return of the trump to the head of the gubment and to destroy whatever and whomever tries to get in his way.A very GODLY mission on which all of them agreed to engage in together whatever they weather or whether they survive.Yes they are willing to die to achieve it and murder most honorably every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. GOD is on their side. GOD approves of what they do. GOD will protect them and keep them safe as they vanquish "the other". Which is everyone not of their ILK.Geez what a cool thing to be part of. Y'all are proud as he** of you... less
ExampleThose who show up on a thread to say "I don't care."SAY WHAT?Or those who show up to ask why you asked what you asked?.SAY WHAT?Both responses are insults of course so they ... moreExampleThose who show up on a thread to say "I don't care."SAY WHAT?Or those who show up to ask why you asked what you asked?.SAY WHAT?Both responses are insults of course so they go out of their way to put others down and then they feel real good? Weirdly peculiar and queer. Have they nothing better to do with their time than waste it like that?
The first time he disagreed with me and we talked about it at length. He was three years old.He presented his side and gave me the whys. I presented mine and gave him my whys. I ho... moreThe first time he disagreed with me and we talked about it at length. He was three years old.He presented his side and gave me the whys. I presented mine and gave him my whys. I honestly do not remember what the disagreement was about but I do remember how PROUD I was that he was holding his own and remained very calm and serious about it. I just couldn't believe he had grown that much into an independent little guy with a logical mind and the ability to share verbally what was going on within.That set the template for future disagreements and the inevitable discussions that followed.What are/were your proudest moments? less
Realizes that wanting to be another gender did not do anything to make his/her life better.So he/she transitions back to the original gender.I wonder how often that happens?