Specific FAUX NEWS big shots on the hot seatLou DobsMaria BartiromoJeannine PiroKNOWINGLY LIED or really believe the LIES?Fun ahead. Place your bets. Anyone can play.
Allegedly according to his Shamanic beliefs only organic food can be ingested. He went 9 days allegedly without eating and lost 20 lbs. Why not keep him in the prison infirmurrie a... moreAllegedly according to his Shamanic beliefs only organic food can be ingested. He went 9 days allegedly without eating and lost 20 lbs. Why not keep him in the prison infirmurrie and feed him INTRAVENOUSLY?ORGANIC FOOD for an insurrectionist who wanted to overthrow the US GOVERNMENT?Shurely you're joking Shirley. Right?That is ridiculous! ORGANIC FOOD FOR A TREASONOUS TRAITOR? SERIOUSLY?
Alletedly per Kevin McCarthy tail lure apologized to fellow House Republicans for all the incendiary remarks she has made in the past. She DENOUNCED QANON to them allgedly per McCa... moreAlletedly per Kevin McCarthy tail lure apologized to fellow House Republicans for all the incendiary remarks she has made in the past. She DENOUNCED QANON to them allgedly per McCarthy.OK.NOW SHE MUST SAY IT IN PUBLIC TO ALL MEDIA WHO DARES CARRY ANYTHING COMING FROM HER.DENOUNCE QANON 100% no wishy washyAPOLOGIZE FOR ALL THE HATEFUL HURTFUL LIES TOLDMEAN IT!Now this puts her between a rock and a hard place. She espoused all those hateful lies and was ELECTED. So her constituents DEMAND That from her.What to do what to do what to do? OY VEY. What would you do? Aplogize to the public for all the lies and then apologize to her constituents for apologizing for all the lies?Well which what and when? less
The liars cheaters betrayers traitors saboteurs will never ever ever ever PLAY FAIR.The "opposites can never bellycrawl in the scum and so they are always at a disadvantage having ... moreThe liars cheaters betrayers traitors saboteurs will never ever ever ever PLAY FAIR.The "opposites can never bellycrawl in the scum and so they are always at a disadvantage having standards and morals and integrity that the scumdwelling bellycrawler mudchunky whumps are born without.They are always at odds and rare it is that the bellycrawling scumdwellers lose.Rare it is.Fair it isn't.That' s life. GET OVER IT! GET A GRIP!