It isn't working that way for me personally. I know less now that I ever did and I expect will keep knowing less and less and less until I'm dead. After that who knows? Will all be revealed?
"Unites States Senate"...not UNITED! That's whatcha get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel. The scum is what the bumb deserves. Go to it y'all. Spell anyway old witch way ya ... more"Unites States Senate"...not UNITED! That's whatcha get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel. The scum is what the bumb deserves. Go to it y'all. Spell anyway old witch way ya wanna. It don't matter no how.
Having to go out every day and MINGLE with others. Chat about whatever this or that. That would be he** for sure for me.So I lucked out on the edges of this but I'd have far rather... moreHaving to go out every day and MINGLE with others. Chat about whatever this or that. That would be he** for sure for me.So I lucked out on the edges of this but I'd have far rather it never happened. America is verging toward half a million dead and what is 27 million casees and counting? We are assured THE WORST IS YET TO COME.Too bad that isn't all we had to deal with. Too bad January 6 happened. Lucky more bad didn't happen on that day. A bullet was doged through what...divine providence...dumb luck?
Why not wait till all the "bugs" are worked out and there a basis/pattern of success?I wait. Let others be first and let them debug glitches. I'll wait. No hurry. Eventually when t... moreWhy not wait till all the "bugs" are worked out and there a basis/pattern of success?I wait. Let others be first and let them debug glitches. I'll wait. No hurry. Eventually when the newest electronic thingy comes out prices will drop and that's when I try what I try when I do.No interest? Honestly I don't know what it is. Jim has a cell phone smart phone. I never touch it. Don't like them.There are apps to buy to download every day. They can be money pits I expect having to buy this app and that and then horror of horrors a NEW and IMPROVED one comes out and yours is now obsolete so out you go to buy the new and try it and debug.A merry-go-round that always ends where it begins. I don't see the point but then I'm not them. There are more of "them" than there are of me or my ilk. I'm pretty sure of that.There ya go. True confessions of an ANTI-ELECTRONIC THINGY old lady. I miss dial phones so shoot me! :) less
It's like turning the machine on. Question comes first then cogitation calculation pondering wondering and with luck? Well I wonder what the process was for every invention? Was it... moreIt's like turning the machine on. Question comes first then cogitation calculation pondering wondering and with luck? Well I wonder what the process was for every invention? Was it always the same? Question cogitation exerimentation evaluation solution?