Isn't that reeally the divide?Joe and playing by the rulesDumb cluck duck and flouting them mocking them ridiculing them trashing them eviscerating them eliminating them cursing th... moreIsn't that reeally the divide?Joe and playing by the rulesDumb cluck duck and flouting them mocking them ridiculing them trashing them eviscerating them eliminating them cursing them crushing them attacking them insulting them defecating on them grinding them up and dining on themRule abider ORRule denierSimple.Good HONORABLE life orCRAPSHOOTSimple.
Think any of those votes were cast for the dumb cluck duck or were they all cast for the non duck candidate?Why would they throw a vote for the duck? They wouldn't.They will keep t... moreThink any of those votes were cast for the dumb cluck duck or were they all cast for the non duck candidate?Why would they throw a vote for the duck? They wouldn't.They will keep trying to cheat lie and steal and sabotage their way to a "win".A HUGE SIN.
BUILD THE WALLLOCK HER UPSEND HER BACKAll those big important words prove how bigly brilliant geniusy they yar.Did you have to look up those words? They are esoteric as well as arc... moreBUILD THE WALLLOCK HER UPSEND HER BACKAll those big important words prove how bigly brilliant geniusy they yar.Did you have to look up those words? They are esoteric as well as arcane and rely on a very specific set of talents only the dumb cluck duck quacks have. Bet all of them are MENSA folk. No doubt.Impressive.
Who are the idiots who believe that?The knowledge of knowing they are going to lose very bigly is bringing all the desperation they can dream up.Desperation clouds the mind. If the... moreWho are the idiots who believe that?The knowledge of knowing they are going to lose very bigly is bringing all the desperation they can dream up.Desperation clouds the mind. If the mind is crippled to begin with desperation nails the coffin.See what else the idiot desperados will do to cheat and lie and steal the election?They know they are LOSERS and doing all this PROVES it.
Surrounding the opposition on freewaysBlocking traffic in New York and New JerseyPortent ot what's to come? Tip of the iceberg?Oh yes and these "kids" used to tear the wings off bu... moreSurrounding the opposition on freewaysBlocking traffic in New York and New JerseyPortent ot what's to come? Tip of the iceberg?Oh yes and these "kids" used to tear the wings off butterflies and microwave cats.The best people.
He shops around for those who will always tell him WHAT HE WANTS TO HEAR and they're the ones he picks.A**backwards as usual but VERY EFFECTIVE for him. He doesn't get any lip.He t... moreHe shops around for those who will always tell him WHAT HE WANTS TO HEAR and they're the ones he picks.A**backwards as usual but VERY EFFECTIVE for him. He doesn't get any lip.He tells them what he wants expects demands and they capitulate. The money must be very good to sell yourself.
But you love having a head picture taker like scott atlas controlling all decisions that an EPIDEMIOLOGIST SHOULD BE MAKING? A head picture taker knows what about pandemics? Diddly... moreBut you love having a head picture taker like scott atlas controlling all decisions that an EPIDEMIOLOGIST SHOULD BE MAKING? A head picture taker knows what about pandemics? Diddly crap. But you're real good with it because the dumb cluck duck didn't like what the top epidemiologist in the world told him so he shopped around for a Dr. of anything who would tell him what he wanted to hear. Ah. Another. question emanates.