You must never forget that. VERY GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES. EQUAL or INEQUAL? Are there different kinds of VERY GOOD PEOPLE? Is there a list of things that the VERY GOOD PEOPLE ON ... moreYou must never forget that. VERY GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES. EQUAL or INEQUAL? Are there different kinds of VERY GOOD PEOPLE? Is there a list of things that the VERY GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES do that makes them comparable?If you had to could you come with a list of traits that VERY GOOD PEOPLE have in common between the victims and the perpetrators?Try. I wish he had given us specific traits to which he referred.
Where do you find the VERY GOOD in white supremacists bigots anti-semites Nazi Americans militias who are brought together by their hatred of "the other"?How do you equalize the in... moreWhere do you find the VERY GOOD in white supremacists bigots anti-semites Nazi Americans militias who are brought together by their hatred of "the other"?How do you equalize the inequitable with a straight face? Saying something is so doesn't make it so.Also remember what a very wise woman said years ago? DON"T PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY SAY ONLY TO WHAT THEY DO.Do you?
I expect species develop at different rates and have different paths they will travel. Side by side some do well and some die off. What do you think is the homo sap fate? Why do yo... moreI expect species develop at different rates and have different paths they will travel. Side by side some do well and some die off. What do you think is the homo sap fate? Why do you think so?
Some seem to never change no matter what. Always the same as if learning has no effect on them. Experiencing is meaningless to them. Rock solid rigid inflexible CERTAIN. 24/7. How?
He cannot and will not ever support the TRUTH. On his death bed he will lie and deny that what you see is not happening. At his funeral he will have recording telling you he did no... moreHe cannot and will not ever support the TRUTH. On his death bed he will lie and deny that what you see is not happening. At his funeral he will have recording telling you he did not die. He is on a golf course taking time off. Some of you will believe him.And so it goes. TRUTH is the enemy. TRUTHTELLERS must be destroyed. Gets in the way of the duck bigly. In life and in death.