If there is a #2 and #3 gonna keep it up duck? Why not? It worked so well for the first "debate". Assuming you are up for it keep it up! Keep it up! Keep it up! :)
It is still a pig. It will always be a pig.So the doctors are lying to us by not telling us the ENTIRE TRUTH. The only doctors that the duck will tolerate are those who do his bidd... moreIt is still a pig. It will always be a pig.So the doctors are lying to us by not telling us the ENTIRE TRUTH. The only doctors that the duck will tolerate are those who do his bidding. Sheesh!More bullsh** dog and pony show for your benefit. Truth is always MIA. Sheesh.
Again they are KARMAde in the same lifetime that they caused the egregious disgusting despicable. By the same thing they attacked in others.I dunno. Is this a once-in-a-lifetime th... moreAgain they are KARMAde in the same lifetime that they caused the egregious disgusting despicable. By the same thing they attacked in others.I dunno. Is this a once-in-a-lifetime thing or is this the way KARMA has changed to make y'all pay for your sins in the same lifetime in the exact same way as what you mocked/ridiculed/attacked/insulted?I guess we will find out.
You usually pay for what you did that was VERY VERY BAD in a prior life in the NEXT life. Not in the same one. ANDit is usually not so precisely specific an experience. I don't kno... moreYou usually pay for what you did that was VERY VERY BAD in a prior life in the NEXT life. Not in the same one. ANDit is usually not so precisely specific an experience. I don't know. I can't be the only one noticing this extraordinary thing going on. Can I?The duck is suffering from the very think he mocked and ridiculed. IN THE SAME LIFE SPAN.
Perhaps he ought not have cast that bread upon the waters for so many months. Perhaps he ought to have cared about them as they lay dying and done something so they wouldn't have h... morePerhaps he ought not have cast that bread upon the waters for so many months. Perhaps he ought to have cared about them as they lay dying and done something so they wouldn't have had to do so?I don't know. I'm just asking.
Assuming he recovers enough to continue on his noble path? I think appreciation/gratitude are not things with which he is familiar or comfy. He is way too old a dog to learn new tr... moreAssuming he recovers enough to continue on his noble path? I think appreciation/gratitude are not things with which he is familiar or comfy. He is way too old a dog to learn new tricks. Just wondering out loud how it works. This wishing someone well who hates you and plans to harm you. Turn the other cheek. Real Christian like. Right.
First he was asked if he would share some of his favorite passages. He said no. That was too personal. That was something he would keep to himself. But that THE BIBLE is very speci... moreFirst he was asked if he would share some of his favorite passages. He said no. That was too personal. That was something he would keep to himself. But that THE BIBLE is very special to him. Very precious.And so on and so on and so on. He refused to answer the question. Wouldn't even give a favorite passage. Not even one.The other interesting question he was asked is whether he preferred the OLD TESTAMENT or the NEW TESTAMENT.He said he liked them both equally.Do you?For those of you who are BIBLE FOLK do you prefer both equally or do you relate more to one than to the other?Too personal a question? You think the bible is very special and very precious and you do NOT want to share any of that with anyone?Really? Okey dokey. I'm a NEW TESTAMENT preferer. GOD IS LOVE was what I grew up being told. Not a vengeful jealous revengeful GOD that terrifies everyone and demands obedience OR ELSE! Not my cuppa tea.As for favorite passages? Well I'm not a scholar but I've always been very partial to the 23rd Psalm. The Lord... less
Mebbe so.After the diagnosis Biden's poll numbers are rising.ALSOSome voters in some states were REPELLED by the duck debate "performance art".So this is a bad patch for the duck. ... moreMebbe so.After the diagnosis Biden's poll numbers are rising.ALSOSome voters in some states were REPELLED by the duck debate "performance art".So this is a bad patch for the duck. If he survives the virus without permanent debilitating damage, shuts up and behaves mebbe he can come back. Odds of that? Him changing anything? A gazillion googolplexes times a gazillion billion trillion million quadrillion cintilion sextilion septilion octilion nonilion decabillion trillion. Give or take.
21 states are reporting A RISE IN NEW CASES and the rest are holding steady with the same amount they had the week before.VIRUS INFO OVERLOAD?Don't worry. Sooner or later it will b... more21 states are reporting A RISE IN NEW CASES and the rest are holding steady with the same amount they had the week before.VIRUS INFO OVERLOAD?Don't worry. Sooner or later it will be in your neighborhood on your street in your home and in your body.The virus adores us and just refuses to leave. Of course homo saps are totally cooperating by providing the perfect Petri dish of incubation situations as they go out hang out stay out make out maskless. Good going to everyone. Y'all are doing your best to make this virus a national forever thing. Something that brings all of us together. Getting sick and dying. Who knew something so simple as that could do it? less
Did you "I told you so" to them or let them figger it out themselves how wrong they were?Are you very good at not "I told you so ing"? Never tempted to indulge yourself?