Joe Biden. He "plans to ruin your suburbs".The dipsh** doesn't say exactly how or why. That is his new BOGEYMAN and you are lapping it up and digesting it daily aren't you?He is a ... moreJoe Biden. He "plans to ruin your suburbs".The dipsh** doesn't say exactly how or why. That is his new BOGEYMAN and you are lapping it up and digesting it daily aren't you?He is a dipsh** LIAR and you are all dipsh** gullibles buying his lies.What happened to the thousands of people of color heading for the southern border to rape and drug and murder you? Did the dipsh** kill all of them?What does the dipsh** plan to do about Joe Biden? I'll tell you his plan. He excepts some of you to go out there on your own and "take care of Joe".His job is to threaten you with fear and uses hate to facilitate. And you buy it don't you? You are all TERRIFIED of Joe Biden now and forgot all about the hordes of people of color because the dipsh** tells you be afraid of whomever he feels like because he knows you are so dam* stupid you buy all his lies.Sheesh. Whadda revoltin' predicament. He also wants you to be very afraid of A black woman who is Joe's candidate for veep. He is TERRIFIED of her brilliance her character her acc... less
Per a FOX NEWS report ( I don't know the date) using CDC stats they listed the top ten OBESE states as followsWest VirginiaMississippiOklahomaIowaAlabamaLouisianaArkansasKentuckyAl... morePer a FOX NEWS report ( I don't know the date) using CDC stats they listed the top ten OBESE states as followsWest VirginiaMississippiOklahomaIowaAlabamaLouisianaArkansasKentuckyAlaskaSouth Carolina"WHY ARE TRUMP VOTERS SO FAT? The trump rural red state bible belt Republicans are fat while the democratic voters in blue states are fit"I know there are tons of FAT democrats and tons of slender republicans. I am not talking about THE EXCEPTIONIt is said fat people don't exercise. They sit and watch TV rather than go outside to walk or exercise inside. Once again I know there are exceptions.The dipsh** confessed he watched 5 hours of FAUX TV one evening and 3 more hours the following morning. Was he exercising during those hours or reclining in bed and eating? I don't know. I don't make this stuff up. I just share it.Whatever.Are you FIT or FAT? Are you a republican or a democrat? less
During the Civil War "seeing the elephant" was an expression used by soldiers to mean experiencing combat.Someone called called a Dem candidate for president a Jacka** and rather t... moreDuring the Civil War "seeing the elephant" was an expression used by soldiers to mean experiencing combat.Someone called called a Dem candidate for president a Jacka** and rather than be ticked off about it he used it in his campaign ad and found it to be amusing to him. Taking a lemon andmaking it useful I guess.But is animals are fair game what animals would YOU prefer to symbolizeRepublicanDemocratand why?
They are preventable and controllable if people are smart enough to pay attention and do the right thing early enough to matter.But at some point having ignored climate change for ... moreThey are preventable and controllable if people are smart enough to pay attention and do the right thing early enough to matter.But at some point having ignored climate change for too long the massive fires are now taking over. Another loss for homo saps. Another strike out. Another disaster. More to come of course. Homo saps are still saps.The pumpkina** virus for example. It could have been enormously MITIGATED early on if the dipsh** had been HONEST and RESPONSIBLE and CARING. He is none of those things. He is a compulsive LIAR and if it kills thousands of people so what? So be it. It is what it is. His adoring worshippers still adoringly worship him as they and their loved ones are dying BECAUSE OF HIM.Nuts. Crackpots. less
The warnings are not only being ignored but ridiculed mocked insulted and attacked.As more people die the idiots who are ignoring it keep on keeping on. Stupid dumb comes in ... moreThe warnings are not only being ignored but ridiculed mocked insulted and attacked.As more people die the idiots who are ignoring it keep on keeping on. Stupid dumb comes in all colors shapes sizes temperaments intellects and political mindbending idiocy. That there are so many out there is shocking and sad.How did we get here? Stupid dumb drives the car commands the ship and flies the plane. Whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry? Cry?
Since dipsh** is the proud head of the white racist QANON and such filthy ilk why would anyone targeted by them support him? Can you answer me that?Just like "WOMEN FOR TRUMP". Wha... moreSince dipsh** is the proud head of the white racist QANON and such filthy ilk why would anyone targeted by them support him? Can you answer me that?Just like "WOMEN FOR TRUMP". What is that all about?
Why not "a diamond and coal"?Carrot? A lowly vegetable with some nutritious benefits but not the most outstanding among all vegetables in terms of anything by which you measure val... moreWhy not "a diamond and coal"?Carrot? A lowly vegetable with some nutritious benefits but not the most outstanding among all vegetables in terms of anything by which you measure value or worth. Ordinary banal average and orange. Weirdly odd don't you think?.I don't get it. You?
You have a choice.The deniers liars supporters adorers defenders of evildoers are many and loud and never shut up.Do you believe the "disbelievers" the rejectors the mockers the ri... moreYou have a choice.The deniers liars supporters adorers defenders of evildoers are many and loud and never shut up.Do you believe the "disbelievers" the rejectors the mockers the ridiculers the LIARS or do you believe the truthtellers? Why?Of course if you "have a dog in the fight" and earn a living supporting a demon you keep up keeping it up. Money is the carrot.Do you like carrots?
How do you know? Upon what do you base your arms length perceptions when you are not in the middle of it suffering through it?"You exaggerate". No I do not. It is impossible to exa... moreHow do you know? Upon what do you base your arms length perceptions when you are not in the middle of it suffering through it?"You exaggerate". No I do not. It is impossible to exaggerate the pestilence and destruction attendant thereto with the dipsh** in charge. No one outside can understand the horror of living here and being here and fighting and fighting. To no avail since all the checks and balances and powers that be that could do something have been thorougly CORRUPTED and broken. Woe is us.
Because I'm pretty sure that dkpsh** and his cabal et al plus the spineless whinya** toadysycophants plus the adoring worshppers are all robots too. How else do you explain the lac... moreBecause I'm pretty sure that dkpsh** and his cabal et al plus the spineless whinya** toadysycophants plus the adoring worshppers are all robots too. How else do you explain the lack of all things human within them? No soul no heart no conscience no shame.
SIPHONED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OUT OF THE NEW YORK FIREFIGHTERS HEALTH PROGRAM!So much for caring and remembering and honoring! More bullsh** from dipsh**. You'd think he'd have chok... moreSIPHONED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OUT OF THE NEW YORK FIREFIGHTERS HEALTH PROGRAM!So much for caring and remembering and honoring! More bullsh** from dipsh**. You'd think he'd have choked on those words written for him by others. No. We choke on them and him every day.