Tough guysMade menHitmenA donA pinkie finger ring to kissAn audience to be granted and a favor to be askedVery formal protocol to all of itAs it was in the beginning so it is in th... moreTough guysMade menHitmenA donA pinkie finger ring to kissAn audience to be granted and a favor to be askedVery formal protocol to all of itAs it was in the beginning so it is in the now and so it will be in the later forever afterThey allegedly treat their families well though they all cheat on their wives and sleep with gorgeous hoors when they can. They even sometimes marry them.They go to church for photo ops. Sometimes they have the priest in their pocket
Allow me to posit a possibility.THERE IS A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY TO BE MADE in the profession of traitorship/traitorhood. Treason is the most popular dish there is on the the social ... moreAllow me to posit a possibility.THERE IS A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY TO BE MADE in the profession of traitorship/traitorhood. Treason is the most popular dish there is on the the social menu. From .low to high. From peon peasant water carrier to head of a country. Treason is in. Traitorship/traitorship has been made an honorable vocation. It's the money honey. It's the powertrip. It's the revenge/retaliation/attacking your enemies and making them pay for not kissing your a**. It's all of that and more..
Any guilty party would do the same thing. Silence the potential whistleblowers. Shut him the f--- up or suffer the consequences.It should be ILLEGAL to do that. It certainly is IMM... moreAny guilty party would do the same thing. Silence the potential whistleblowers. Shut him the f--- up or suffer the consequences.It should be ILLEGAL to do that. It certainly is IMMORAL UNPRECEDENTED DEMENTED.See what the thousand footed turtle will do next. Watch. Wait. Learn.
WalmartTarget99Cent or Dollar StoreFeed and grain store (also sells manure)Tractor trailer storeA Tiffany's or Harry Winston or Van Cleeve & Arpels (sp?) would not. They only deal ... moreWalmartTarget99Cent or Dollar StoreFeed and grain store (also sells manure)Tractor trailer storeA Tiffany's or Harry Winston or Van Cleeve & Arpels (sp?) would not. They only deal in top-quality rare gems.
Doubtful.Back in the day the Republicans were the anti-slaveries though Abolitionists accused them of being "too soft".So the once and glorious anti-slavery party of Abraham Lilnco... moreDoubtful.Back in the day the Republicans were the anti-slaveries though Abolitionists accused them of being "too soft".So the once and glorious anti-slavery party of Abraham Lilncoln is now the smorgasbord potluck mystery meat party of the trump.Ascendant thriving flourishing or decaying? Is that a DEATH RATTLE I hear?