A FALSETTO VOICE.Herbert Buckingham Khaury born April 12, 1932 and died November 30, 1996 at the age of 64 of a heart attack during a performance.The song "Tiptoe through the tulip... moreA FALSETTO VOICE.Herbert Buckingham Khaury born April 12, 1932 and died November 30, 1996 at the age of 64 of a heart attack during a performance.The song "Tiptoe through the tulips" was written in 1929. Somewhere along the line in his career Herb chose it to display his unique schtick.Does everyone have a schtick gimmick hook? Something singular that makes him/her stand out from the crowd?
We see the videos with our own eyes. This current cop will walk too? He presses his knee on the neck of the prone vic and keeps it there for how long again? Staring straight at the... moreWe see the videos with our own eyes. This current cop will walk too? He presses his knee on the neck of the prone vic and keeps it there for how long again? Staring straight at the filming of it as if in defiance of the camera?Death by knee in neck. Must be very PAINFUL having the life crushed out of you like that.
Know how diamonds are formed? They take INTENSE HEAT AND INTENSE PRESSURE.How long does it take from inception toi diamond?1 BILLION to 3.3. BILLION YEARS.Do they know that? If so ... moreKnow how diamonds are formed? They take INTENSE HEAT AND INTENSE PRESSURE.How long does it take from inception toi diamond?1 BILLION to 3.3. BILLION YEARS.Do they know that? If so they are either hypocrites or they'd better get rid of those diamonds.You can't have it both ways. Either or. Which is it?
Unless of course they are baldfaced LIARS.They Should never go near anything scientific. Produced by science. Endorsed by scientists. Never never ever ever ever.How many are balda*... moreUnless of course they are baldfaced LIARS.They Should never go near anything scientific. Produced by science. Endorsed by scientists. Never never ever ever ever.How many are balda** jackfaced LIARS? They PREACH anti science but secretly see doctors for their conditions and use prescription meds too to two tutu? No one knows that about them. They DARE NOT admit it.What kind of anti-science is that? It isn't. Patent bullsh** is what it is. Full of it aren't they?
Many pithy versesLittle boxes on the hillsideLittle boxes made of ticky tackyAnd they all look the sameLittle people in the boxes Little people made of ticky tackyAnd they al... moreMany pithy versesLittle boxes on the hillsideLittle boxes made of ticky tackyAnd they all look the sameLittle people in the boxes Little people made of ticky tackyAnd they all look the sameGoogle it! You FOOTOO folks are gonna LOVE the he** out of it unless you already have it memorized!
One cannot logically reasonably sensibly rationally discuss anything with know-it-alls. They know it all so there is no use or sense in even trying.Here's to all the know-it-alls! ... moreOne cannot logically reasonably sensibly rationally discuss anything with know-it-alls. They know it all so there is no use or sense in even trying.Here's to all the know-it-alls! May you wave in peace. With someone there to hold your hand as you lay dying other than the hand of a stranger.
Which comes first?Which is the MOST IMPORTANT?He can't be in court facing 30 lawsuits simultaneously. Or 50. Or 100. Can he?Who or how does the prioriizing get decided?Who should g... moreWhich comes first?Which is the MOST IMPORTANT?He can't be in court facing 30 lawsuits simultaneously. Or 50. Or 100. Can he?Who or how does the prioriizing get decided?Who should get first crack at the FOOTOO legally in your opinion? Why exactly?
What if it were all true?You are existing in a pod hanging somewhere in a limbo with billions of other pods.What is controlling it? What/who is in charge of it? Is there a script f... moreWhat if it were all true?You are existing in a pod hanging somewhere in a limbo with billions of other pods.What is controlling it? What/who is in charge of it? Is there a script for it in its entirety? A cataclysmic end where all pods wake up to see their actual reality or a scenario where all pods blow up in an Armageddon...FADE TO BLACK. XXXWhat the mind can conceive it can achieve. Thinking makes it so. We draw to us what we focus on.There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. GOD moves in mysterious ways HIS wonders to perform.Are you a butterfly dreaming you are "human"? Ever dream you were a butterfly?What is REALITY anyway? Some physicists tell us we create our own reality. If we create it we can destroy it uncreate it can't we? Is that what we are doing currently? Tearing down? Destroying? Obliterating? Fracturing? Smashing? Going to the DARK SIDE or he** or whatever you call it? DEVIL WINS? EVIL REIGNS? GOD WEEPS? less