Got an email from Kaiser.For 75 and older we will be notified of when the vaccines are there in-house and then given guidance as to how to proceed from there. Good to know they hav... moreGot an email from Kaiser.For 75 and older we will be notified of when the vaccines are there in-house and then given guidance as to how to proceed from there. Good to know they haven't forgotten about us.
These are MANDATORY EVACUATIONS. In the burn ares of the El Dorado and Apple fires that burned in San Bernardion and Riverside counties. Also homes in the San Gorgonio Pass i... moreThese are MANDATORY EVACUATIONS. In the burn ares of the El Dorado and Apple fires that burned in San Bernardion and Riverside counties. Also homes in the San Gorgonio Pass in Riverside and Yucaipa, Oak Glen and Mountain Home Village in San Bernardino. THAT'S A LOT OF PEOPLE, people. :(The fear is that of mud and debris flows having nothing on the ground to stem the flow will just bury whatever lies below. So out of their homes they go. WHERE? Relatives I suppose but does this then exacerbate the spread of the rate of the virus?Advised to stay at home then ORDERED TO EVACUATE. SIGH. WHAT NEXT? less
Stephen Brandenburg faces 20 years in prison for his efforts.He is a conspiracy theorist. He believed the vaccine would MUTATE THE DNA OF THE RECIPIENTS.He destroyed more than 500 ... moreStephen Brandenburg faces 20 years in prison for his efforts.He is a conspiracy theorist. He believed the vaccine would MUTATE THE DNA OF THE RECIPIENTS.He destroyed more than 500 doses.I do not KNOW but am guessing he is a FOOTOO supporter.Republicans are FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY NOT TO GET THE VACCINECould YOUR vaccines have been tampered with too by a FOOTOO insurrectionist wannabe?How do you know what goes into your arm or if the person shooting stuff into you is even sane? FAITH right?
Jokers are WildAce is either high or lowAll other cards equal what they say on the faceOf course we shall have to ascribe particular pols with particular values.A bit of a tricky s... moreJokers are WildAce is either high or lowAll other cards equal what they say on the faceOf course we shall have to ascribe particular pols with particular values.A bit of a tricky sticky wicket. The DEMS are progressive liberals, liberals, centrists and even extreme right leaning (JOE MANCHIN)The FOOTOOS are all homogenized. They DARE NOT be other than that. However in line with this we can ascribe PAWN or JOKER. I KNOW one is chess and one is poker but it is what it is. The only KING is FOOTOO. There is no QUEEN in FOOTOO land. Only pawns and jokers. Ya gotta go with the hand ya got after all.The DEMS? Go by seniority of course. The ones there the longest are of higher value. They know more having been through more and experienced more and survived.The pot goes to the winner. No sharezies less
To the manor born? A chip off the old block? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree?Are all American traitors born of the Confederacy? Do all insurrectionists trace their ancestr... moreTo the manor born? A chip off the old block? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree?Are all American traitors born of the Confederacy? Do all insurrectionists trace their ancestry back to the TRAITORS to the union then? Is it a proud heritage they carry and sally forth with forthwith? A noble calling?Elsewise otherwise where did they come from? Whose spawn are they?
Giving birth for example versus reading about it or hearing about it from others. NO COMPARISON.Having cancer and chemo and losing your hair versus reading about it or knowing some... moreGiving birth for example versus reading about it or hearing about it from others. NO COMPARISON.Having cancer and chemo and losing your hair versus reading about it or knowing someone who has it. NO COMPARISON.Yet the most officious "authorities" are often the least knowledgeable because they have not experienced what it is they pontificate about.Do you always buy what people sell if they are pushy enough? Even if the quality of what they sell is shoddy cheap and doesn't last?
Some days you're connected some days you're dis.What constitutes the difference between the DC group and the AC or do you never bother with AC if you can avoid it?
Different lubricants were tried and none worked for very long and the squeaking grew louder and more intense and more violent and threatening and vitriolic. The frantic search for ... moreDifferent lubricants were tried and none worked for very long and the squeaking grew louder and more intense and more violent and threatening and vitriolic. The frantic search for oils continued on and still does.That FOOTOO wheel was born to squeak no matter what is used to quiet it.The more "oil" that is used the LOUDER and MORE FREQUENT the squeaks.Go figger!
By running for public office and received a LANDSLIDE vote. The bullet in the head pol is adored for saying what's in her head.There ya go.The American public admires straight talk... moreBy running for public office and received a LANDSLIDE vote. The bullet in the head pol is adored for saying what's in her head.There ya go.The American public admires straight talk apparently..especially when it is hate-based, intense, nonstop, emotional.We know the American public adores very bigly lies as well. That part of it that FOOTOO roped in.Two-faced? I dunno but that's the way it is.