Certainly not their adored worshipped beloved saviour pandemic pumpkina**. He is never at fault for anything. It will be Democrats who purposely came in to spread the virus to make... moreCertainly not their adored worshipped beloved saviour pandemic pumpkina**. He is never at fault for anything. It will be Democrats who purposely came in to spread the virus to make the pandemic pumpkina** look bad.Whatcha wanna bet that isn't how it all rolls out? Whatcha wanna bet? Whatcha wanna bet? Whatcha wanna bet?
Corrupt Wayne La Pierre says it's just political as if the whistleblower is pro Joe. It ain't so.The whistleblower knows where all the bodies are buried having worked for the NRA a... moreCorrupt Wayne La Pierre says it's just political as if the whistleblower is pro Joe. It ain't so.The whistleblower knows where all the bodies are buried having worked for the NRA and the Wayne for years. A bitter nasty breakup but Joe Biden has NOTHING to do with it!Insiders are outing the corruption and crookedness of the la pierre and his corrupt crooked buds.Now of course the pumpkina**pandemic boy will say it is a ploy to take HIM down. Everything revolves around him in his world. You know that already. So once again he is being crucified.More to come. It gets a lot juicier. less
"When you hold up a Bible you don't go around lying about things".Yep he did. The MASTER LIAR OF THE UNIVERSE implied that about Joe Biden.Pumpkina** said he has never asked GOD fo... more"When you hold up a Bible you don't go around lying about things".Yep he did. The MASTER LIAR OF THE UNIVERSE implied that about Joe Biden.Pumpkina** said he has never asked GOD for forgiveness. No need to involve GOD in that. If he does something wrong he fixes it and makes it right and never blames GOD for anything. Not verbatim but that's the gist of his bullsh** crap.BLAPHEMOUS SOB! He blasphemes GOD everytime he opens his mouth or does anything. His words and deeds are anathemous to GOD. Yet he DARES to invoke GOD and use HIM like that? Boy oh boy. Whatta dolt whatta sot whatta rotgut. The panedemispumpkina** is so self-righteous. Isn't he cute? less
At his New Jersey GOLF RESORT where he will take a 3-day vacation from presidenting to do some lawful awful golfing!Have you kept track of all the times he has run away from presid... moreAt his New Jersey GOLF RESORT where he will take a 3-day vacation from presidenting to do some lawful awful golfing!Have you kept track of all the times he has run away from presidenting to play golf since he got to be the pandemicpumpkina**? Hundreds all over the world. So much for golfing and presidenting.HE SUCKS AT BOTH.
He wants something to inject in the sheeple to convince them he brought life to them via demanding a QUICK vaccine. He doesn't give a rat's a** if you live or die. He just wants to... moreHe wants something to inject in the sheeple to convince them he brought life to them via demanding a QUICK vaccine. He doesn't give a rat's a** if you live or die. He just wants to convince you it was he and him alone that got you that quick "fix". Side effects that might kill you or cripple you or very badly PERMANENTLY harm you later on? Not his problem. That's yours. Not his fault. Everything he says and does is RIGHT. Results that so south are the fault of others. He is perfection personified in morbidly obese packaging.So what you have here is a what? less
That may be the fate that awaits the NRA!Yep good old Wayne La Pierre and a coupla his corrupt sleazy buds used $64 MILLION of "memberships funds" for their own personal thin... moreThat may be the fate that awaits the NRA!Yep good old Wayne La Pierre and a coupla his corrupt sleazy buds used $64 MILLION of "memberships funds" for their own personal things...it has been their BANK ACCOUNT.They are being investigated and roasted and toasted and fried in New York. They are in very deep sh** and will pay for it.Question is will the members stick by them as they have the pandemicpumpkina**? They don't mind being taken for a ride used abused and mocked and ridiculed and lied to? Not at all? Not even a tiny little bit? $64 million is not chump change ya know.So dwell on this. One day very soonNO MORE NRA!POOF. KABOOM! Blown up into tiny little pieces never to see life again. A fitting end to a corrupt criminal enterprise. As was true of the Trump "school" and Trump "foundation". Piggybanks for the wealthy.Sad glad mad? less
Because they are so much more astute? I'm not suffeing from depression at all. Sure some days I get kinda down but then I just withdraw from the political sh** that is ongoing and ... moreBecause they are so much more astute? I'm not suffeing from depression at all. Sure some days I get kinda down but then I just withdraw from the political sh** that is ongoing and I'm fine. I think highly intelligent people maybe can't do that.They also suffer from a higher rate of suicide.Sad that.