Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Which maggot was the first to talk up crossover voting? Which maggot cast the first vote for the opposition to sabotage it? Maggots rock?

Which maggot was the first to talk up crossover voting? Which maggot cast the first vote for the opposition to sabotage it? Maggots rock?

Soft body legless larva of certain flies. Maggots and roaches bandied together to create politics. Their descendants keep coupling and having little maggots who have little maggots who have little maggots who all grow up to be the maggots you see and hear in dumb city d.c.. Elsewhere in other countries too. America doesn't have a lock on maggots but America does it best and biggest and is most proud of it. The maggot center of the world?

I wonder why there are no butterflies?

Maggoty. Infested with maggots.

Our Aussie pals (according to my dictionary) use "MAGGOTY" to describe someone who is angry and bad-tempered. Perfectly describes the don and his cabal et al don't it? They are all uniformly universally maggoty.
Charmless brainless witless heartless souless moral-free honor-free integrity-free money-hungry hoors who can never get enough and want yoors.

Posted - February 11, 2020


  • 17067
    Nah, maggots are football umpires (historically they wore white - when your team loses, it's ALWAYS the fault of the umpires). The words we use to describe crooked pols are contrary to Answermug's TOS. Anglo-Saxon monosyllables.
      February 11, 2020 3:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    My dictionary is very old R. 2001. Did maggoty never mean what the dictionary sez it means or meant at that time? It is the 3rd definition and simply says "Australian slang". Hahahahahahahaha. I can guess what they are and I just giggled. Thank you for your reply. I used your question about assassination to ask a question. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
      February 11, 2020 3:45 AM MST

  • 17067
    Not in the last fifty years, it hasn't.
      February 12, 2020 8:18 AM MST

  • 35070
    I am sure it has gone on since the first primary. 
      February 12, 2020 8:22 AM MST