Discussion»Questions»Communication» Are the grammar "teachers" at aM aware that at times they are perceived intimidating by other muggers? Do they even care about this?
True this. I'm not going to battle on this subject. That said, it won't prevent me from telling my opinion and view on this. Those intimidated will not do this themselves. thank you. :-)
Or why not in private? That would also allow the teachers to get an impression of the person they are correcting, and thereby maybe not intimidate them. Humour is a difficult thing, we have different cultures and different humours. It can easily be misunderstood too.
Sharonna. Why do you keep making your rants? Why is it we should respect your rants, but not the ones of others? Btw, I'm NOT talking about one specific person.
Personally I have NEVER asked this question. Do you want to know why I asked it, or just to tell me I'm an idiot?
As for funny. It's not funny if people perceive any correction made negatively, or even worse feel themselves intimidated. I know, we got different kinds of humour.
By prioritising the wrong thing, the "teachers" are missing out on the opportunities to give good, sensible responses.
Besides too much attention to "proper" grammar often proves detrimental to readability.
Moreover, far from being intimidated, most of us don't give a damn.
My hero. The question is a generic question, and how we treat each other. Respect is something that is close to my heart. I feel sorry when I talk to other members and feel how they suffer and feel they are wrong 'because that's just how things are'. I told them so myself, in more polite words... It stroke me when they got back to me asking me: "so I'm too sensitive?"
Oomph. No, no you're not too sensitive... It shouldn't be on your shoulders justifying to be a member and post postings as long as they are within ToS. Content is more important than form. I think that should be the golden rule.
My lovely WingedWonder, I do recall the situation... And yes they tried belittling me because of my language. Says more about them than about me. All this said, my question isn't about me or any specific person. It's a generic one, and most of all me asking the grammar teachers to think if their comment really is adding any value to the content inside the post they correct.