The whippersnappers and ’lennials will have to field this one for you. By choice, I’m still stuck in the eighties when it comes to music. I have absolutely zero familiarity with anything that’s been released more recently.
I have 2 Gen Y kids. Unfortunately my ears have been assaulted by the guff they call "music".
That said, there was some okay stuff in the 90s. Clapton's Tears in Heaven, Aerosmith's I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing etc. The old guys didn't all retire when the penultimate digit clicked over to 9.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at March 25, 2020 7:18 PM MDT
One of my offspring only listens to some type of new wave industrial funk from Japan. The other prefers eclectic oldies closer to my generation. I will admit that I don’t have a lot of exposure to hearing their music, they no longer live here with us, and I also admit that I’m glad that I don’t hear it.