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How about a matinee? My parents watched Dr. Zhivago again and loved it. Any recommendations?

Posted - March 26, 2020


  • 10026
    Now this is up to my brain power and style!  I'll grab Don, some popcorn, and see if it is on Netflix or somewhere we can get it without going out and renting it.
    Thanks a ton, Welby!
    :) :)
      March 27, 2020 8:35 AM MDT

  • 23407
    If you watch it, I hope you and Don like it!
      March 27, 2020 11:09 AM MDT

  • 44537
    Asker's Pick. I could use a good comedy about now.
      March 27, 2020 9:12 AM MDT

  • 23407

    I take it you've seen it?
      March 27, 2020 11:10 AM MDT

  • 7404

    I’m gonna do a Quentin Tarantino movie marathon this weekend, you do it too.  

      March 26, 2020 5:35 PM MDT

  • 23407
    Who is that actress? I like that gif.

    I don't think I saw that movie. I think I'd remember if I had, ha. This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at March 27, 2020 9:42 AM MDT
      March 27, 2020 5:40 AM MDT

  • Uma Thurman and that scene was in the intro of Kill Bill Vol 2
      March 27, 2020 6:01 AM MDT

  • 23407
    Thanks, Bob Harris!

    I know for sure I didn't see the Vol 2 one.

    Geez -- I'm still unsure if I even saw "Kill Bill." Oh, well! :) Maybe I've heard so much about it that maybe I just thought I saw it. The title itself is sort of iconic to me.
      March 27, 2020 6:10 AM MDT

  • The Kill Bill movies are some of my favs but I'm really partial to anything that Tarantino does. 
      March 27, 2020 6:13 AM MDT

  • 7404
    You should watch them Welby! So good. 
      March 27, 2020 6:38 AM MDT

  • 23407
    I think you're very right!
      March 27, 2020 11:11 AM MDT

  • 7404
      March 27, 2020 11:28 AM MDT

  • 44537
    I would kill bill for a night with Uma.
      March 27, 2020 9:13 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Huge Giggles!
    So good to see you in your True Form!
    ;) :)
      March 27, 2020 10:06 AM MDT

  • 23407
    She is incredibly attractive to even me!
      March 27, 2020 11:12 AM MDT

  • 10026
    What a Great suggestion and idea!
    I've never seen, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," or "Reservoir Dogs," to name a few.
    "Pulp Fiction" was FAB as was "The Hateful Eight."
    Awesome Jaimie.
    Thanks for the great flick choices. 
    :) :)
    ;) :)!!!
      March 27, 2020 8:49 AM MDT

  • 7404
    Welcome :) 
      March 27, 2020 8:50 AM MDT

  • 53367

      When I was on vacation last month, the airline flights to and from the US were both over 15 hours. I watched scores of movies on the plane, and “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” was one of them. I have to admit that I don’t remember having heard of it previous to that flight, so I don’t know how well or how poorly it did at the box office when first run. As for what I thought of it after having seen it, well, it wasn’t meant to win Best Picture, nor was it the worst I’ve ever seen. It was about a 6.5 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best. 
    I’ve seen all of the other four Tarantino films listed here above and I like them all.
      March 27, 2020 9:03 AM MDT

  • I wouldn't mind seeing Journey to the Center of the Earth again.

      March 26, 2020 7:22 PM MDT

  • 10026
    We watched this just last week.  It is a definite Must See.  How far we have come with cinematography, not to mention computer graphics is outrageous.  
    If anything, just to watch this and then "The Matrix" would be a great statement.
    Above and beyond that, this is a GREAT Story and tells how we were back in the day.
    Thanks Wakko
    :) :)
      March 27, 2020 8:52 AM MDT

  • 44537
    No...uh uh.
      March 27, 2020 9:14 AM MDT

  • 53367

      I recommend a double-feature from classic cinematic Americana: “The Ox-Bow Incident” 1943, and “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” 1948.

      March 26, 2020 9:45 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I have never seen "The Ox-Bow Incident," with Henry Fonda.  It sounds wonderful.  Most movies with Henry Fonda are worth watching.
    We saw "Treasure of Sierra Madre" one and a half times a couple weeks ago.
    This one kind of creeps me out with him going paranoid and not trusting anyone.
    .... The power of wealth and gold...
    Makes you think... is it worth it?
    Thanks Randy and great to see you. 
    Happy and Healthy thoughts, always.
    Guard your tidles.  You never know who you can trust!

    Big winks and smiles!!

    P.S.  You CAN trust me. ~~~  These guys came on their own.
    Just Kidding.  It was nice you let me borrow them.
    ;) ;)!!
      March 27, 2020 8:58 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Your parents? Not you? I first saw that at age six.
      March 26, 2020 9:54 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Hi Stu, my darling~ :) :)
    It's always great to see you.  I've been trying to find the time to come back to this question and answer yours.
    This is the moment!  Winking and smiling... ;) :)
    Yes, my parents loved it the first time, years ago and since this house-arrest has not affected them too terribly, (they are both retired,) they decided to sit down, together, once again and wactch it in its glory and entirity.
    There are many reasons why this film is so interguing to them.  I happen to be one of those reasons.
    I have seen it once, many years ago.
    I don't remember exactly how old I was but I can say it was in my 20s.
    Watchng it at age six would have been too much for my underdeveloped brain.
    I'm sure my attention span wouldn't have been long enough to sit and watch something I didn't understand, at all.
    I will say, however, even though I STILL would have been too young to realize this little tidbit of trivia for you, I have always had a crush on Omar Seriff. 
    I probably would have watched it that young just to see him!
    Huge Giggles and winks and smiles.
    I hope this finds you safe, happy, and healthy!
    See ya soon!  Love, Merlin
    :) :)!!
      March 30, 2020 11:19 AM MDT