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Discussion » Questions » Weather » Are you enough in tune with nature that you can, for example, predict the weather by observing the behaviour of birds or insects?

Are you enough in tune with nature that you can, for example, predict the weather by observing the behaviour of birds or insects?


Posted - September 25, 2016


  • 2052

    Birds but not insects so much. I can't see them unless they are very close, lost my glasses. : (

      September 25, 2016 10:50 AM MDT

  • :)

      September 25, 2016 3:44 PM MDT

  • 81
    Yes and no because you need to also observe nature as a whole to truly predict the outcome. ..
      September 25, 2016 5:19 PM MDT

  • 22891

    no, im not that smart

      September 25, 2016 5:54 PM MDT

  •   September 25, 2016 8:07 PM MDT

  • Don't underestimate yourself, Pearl. I'm sure there are areas where you are really smart.

      September 25, 2016 8:08 PM MDT
  • D&D


    Sure if the bugs and birds are all heading away from one side you can be certain it's not place you should head towards.

      September 25, 2016 9:19 PM MDT

  • 53037
    Nope, not really.

      September 25, 2016 9:54 PM MDT

  • 53037
      September 25, 2016 9:55 PM MDT

  • 53037
      September 25, 2016 9:55 PM MDT

  • "Sometimes" ... Seagulls leave the area when it's going to rain and animals act strangely when there is going to be an earthquake. Two weather events of So Cal.
      October 4, 2016 9:17 AM MDT

  • 44373
    Yes I am...and have done so over the years.I asked a similar question earlier. We had cicadas and fireflies in September.   I saw a hummingbird yesterday. I have never seen one in October. My prediction is for a late but probably cold Winter.
      October 4, 2016 9:23 AM MDT