Discussion » Questions » Education » What does the bottom question say on the 'Classroom Words' Worksheet?

What does the bottom question say on the 'Classroom Words' Worksheet?

Posted - April 8, 2020


  • 5450
    Jaimie's taking a break from here so I nominate someone else for the back-to-school challenge.  Her current username is Benedictine Arnold cos she was planning to leave but I talked her out of it just because I really want to see her do your homework cos I'm evil like that.

    Post them here please because I want to see her grades.

      May 24, 2020 1:38 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I didn't see her did another work pages recently-you mean the last few worksheets she did that I gave her to do?
    Did she changed her Username from 'Jaimie' to 'Benedictine Arnold'? Then the same person of Jaimie is not back to answerMug no more (yet) ? "To make sure if it's the exact same person, because I may want to type to that same person more about something"
      May 24, 2020 2:54 PM MDT

  • 5450
    No no no, Jaimie's on spring break so she's using #J to keep her account warm.  Benedictine Arnold's someone else who I got to try Answermug as a challenge from Randy D to bring more people here but she just wasn't feeling the warmth of the mug so she gave me all of her credits and was going to leave but I wanted her to do your worksheet challenge so I talked her into staying a little longer.  Umm yeah, I'm not real good at recruiting new Answermug members, lol.

    I told her I was going to nominate her to do your homework so she can leave after she does your worksheet challenges if she still wants to.  
      May 24, 2020 3:34 PM MDT

  • 3137
    (Jaimie) was tell me to post as another question thread for her to comment to my other replies on new clean thread - tell you more about it later(?)

    And I will just make-out another different work pages that I think would look really interesting to do, I will make-out list of categories, perhaps descriptions of these, then each of you (can) pick, then I will post these worksheets to you, then you give these made-up worksheets to the person you said to give it to okay?
      May 24, 2020 5:06 PM MDT

  • 5450
    You have to let us know to which of us you're assigning the worksheets so they don't try to trick me into doing their homework for them.

      May 24, 2020 5:23 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Yes that's good that you tell Jaimie to do my homework . . .

    Benedictine Arnold will be the one to give the worksheets to that I made(?)

    And the names of other work subjects I'll be making out that I think would be interesting to do (and some I found from library books) are:
    Time and Cost
    Bees around Honeycomb
    Encyclopedia of Butterflies(& flowers)
    More different math activities to do around graphing kind of math.
    Math or sentence kind of story problems
    Math involves (colored) patterned graphics

    And I will list more of these later-
    I may have to draw these if can't find worksheets like these from Google.

    And will you like to be doing any of these other work subjects too?
      May 24, 2020 7:30 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Benedictine Arnold told me she'd do your worksheet challenges if you post them here so go ahead and post them now and she'll do them maybe this week sometime but I want to see you grade those advanced algebra and pre-calculus worksheets that Jaimie gave me before I move onto the next ones.  Do you hear that?  Listen!  Danny!  Danny!  The binomial expansion worksheet and the determining limits of piecewise functions worksheet are calling out you!  Grade us!  Grade us!

      May 26, 2020 3:18 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay, I will try to do it soon, don't know how long it will take me to correct these 3 sheets of advanced algebra and pre calculus.
      May 26, 2020 5:48 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Will go through to ask you what signs there are to make sure of the same numbers and signs that we're looking at on these 3 sheets okay?
      May 26, 2020 7:26 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Livvie, I would like to speak to Jaimie for a min please & hope she's here now after her break.
    And I'm working on the important math sheets & setting them in order (in column) now-I'm putting the math worksheets in one column, math worksheets with your answers & typing answers in 2nd columns, & your method explanation on doing these-I will probably put that in the 3rd column-that will by my reference pages to correct these/your math problems with.

    I was typing replies to Jamie-probably from the other thread, then Jamie probably didn't find any of the replies looking over the whole thread, but I will have list of choices/topics for Jamie to pick-out which I will type to Jamie first, then type to her next, then the other choice may include the important math sheets-which is yours that you had me to correct-which comes later from the choices of replies that I will put them in order(that which probably be selected 1st, then 2nd/next, etc to type to Jamie about), but don't know if you want it to be corrected now, so probably Jamie might select this first, but we'll see what Jamie will having to select now/next -
      June 2, 2020 3:27 PM MDT

  • 5450
    OK, I'm still waiting for you to post worksheets for Benedictine Arnold.  I want to see how she does on this challenge. 
      June 3, 2020 11:30 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Livvie this thread is getting much longer, I will post these to her on new thread, and I will let you(&Jaimie) know which thread that is so you can see it in that thread too, will this be okay Livvie?
      June 5, 2020 5:39 PM MDT

  • 3137
    (First)After I type-out a list to Jaimie,(will be included in that too), and when Jaimie will select the important math of the selection from the list that I will give to Jaimie, then I will get right to correcting your important math sheets okay? You can talk to Jaimie about it/this too; don't know how quickly Jamie & I will get through the list I will type to her even if in new thread, but there would be several other stuff in the list that will be really interesting for (them) to take look at & to do with those too. Hope this is okay/good-to you (too ?)
      June 5, 2020 6:11 PM MDT

  • 7408
    Okay where is my list of options please? I have some free time today. so I need this list, Stat. 
      June 5, 2020 8:35 AM MDT

  • 3137
    The list of (topics) to pick-out for you to start the conversation(topics) with me-this, will be great   Because I would like to show (this list) to you too-
    I will now gonna post this on the new question thread
    -Answer to this as if I will make a new thread of this now, “Then I probably have to show you what that list will be”
    I don’t know if I have to make that a question(for you) as next new thread there, should I type something in the large detail box, and should I put your name in that new question thread?
    I don’t think I will put the list here, but in the new clean thread to you,
    And in the new thread, I may put the whole list, not in question box, but in the detail box, or I may wait till you answer that, then I will type-out as ‘whole list reply’ after your reply there?
      June 5, 2020 5:33 PM MDT

  • 7408
    Okay, but no, probably shouldn’t put my name because then no one else would answer your question. maybe you could put Livvie’s name. I’ll find it anyway. 
      June 6, 2020 6:48 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Just Livvie’s name, okay I will just put that in.
      June 6, 2020 3:09 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Reply to these options here first, then I will create it!
      June 5, 2020 5:42 PM MDT

  • 3137
    And what category you think I should put this new question thread in?
      June 5, 2020 5:51 PM MDT

  • 7408
    Random knowledge. 
      June 6, 2020 6:50 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I see that (she) will like to see how you do on these, so I will give you these here:

      April 18, 2020 3:27 PM MDT

  • 5450

    1.  The left vertical row is brother.  The right vertical row is dad.  The top horizontal row is granddad.  The center horizontal row is sister.  The bottom horizontal row is granny.

    2.  The top left one is happy.  The top right one is busy.   The center left one is sad.  The center right one is hot.  The bottom left one is sleepy.  The bottom right one is miserable.

    3.  My brother's at school.  Granny's at the pond.  Dad's at the park.  Mum's playing football, obviously, because if she were Mom she'd be playing soccer.  Granddad's at home.

    This post was edited by Livvie at April 22, 2020 10:46 AM MDT
      April 18, 2020 4:25 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Livvie got A+ on 2nd grade word fit,
    A+ on 3rd grade ÷&× Discover the Unknown, and looks close to A- on 4th grade English Test!
    Looks as you still did a good job in total Livvie!
    Can search where the actual answer sheet is for the 3rd/last worksheet here(?)
    Or maybe your grade might be kept higher if I'm not looking at actual answer sheet to correct this with.
      April 18, 2020 5:59 PM MDT

  • 5450
    On question 3 on the third worksheet I can't tell what the top right one is because the resolution's not high enough so while she's definitely busy she's either startled because she's about to drop whatever she's holding or she's homeless because she's panhandling.
      April 18, 2020 6:51 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I didn't look at the size resolution of the 3 worksheets I just gave you, maybe the next time I give you another worksheets, I will look at every texts on each pages & make sure they are all clear to read-researching in Google Image to find/set to bigger size of that in duplicate.
      April 19, 2020 2:15 PM MDT