Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "It was a dark and stormy night". Have you noticed that some people have dark and stormy personalities? Doom and gloom 24/7. Are you one?
Their glass is 100% empty .... has a hole in the bottom of it .... sitting in the middle of a vast desert .... in an eternal drought ... and they blame everyone but themselves.
While I'm no Pollyanna I'm not Oscar the grouch either. I lie somewhere in between.
Ditto though I tend to the optimistic side Shuhak. I've felt kinda "puny" and been "down in the dumps" on occasion but it never lasts long. I bounce back. I think I'm a bouncer and it's without effort. Maybe I'm buoyant? Methinks that might be it! Buoyancy. Gotta ask. Thank you for your reply! :)
Yes, I've noticed.. those people bother me.. when you try to help them, they cannot be helped because they will not see any positive.. it's faulty thinking, it is rarely based on reality or proper evaluation of the situation...
I'm not sure if they are natured or nurtured to be that way Addb. It seems to me that no sane person would CHOOSE to be that way but then it takes all kinds. Thank you for your reply! :)