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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "I want it and I want it NOW"! Toddlers have tantrum hissy fits when they don't get what they want on demand. Adults too. Why?

"I want it and I want it NOW"! Toddlers have tantrum hissy fits when they don't get what they want on demand. Adults too. Why?

Not all adults of course. Just those who get antsy in the pantsy and cannot develop the patience they need to get through a crisis. They demand insist threaten bully intimidate command. None of  the men ever ever matured enough to begin wearing their "big boy" pants and the women? Little drama queens used to getting what they want ON DEMAND.


Posted - April 11, 2020


  • 10797
    We live in a self-centered society.  From the 3 year old who demands to have a toy while shopping in a grocery store with its parent to, a 73 year old man in the white house who has to get back at others just because they don't agree with him. 

    It starts with parents failing to teach their kids patience and respect.   The kid acts up, so they parents give in just to shut him up.  The kid grows into an uncontrollable teenager who thinks they can do/get whatever they desire by acting up.   As an adult, that person thinks it's way is the only way and will scream and holler at those who disagree with them (even going as far as killing disagreers).  Although some try to teach their kids to be respectful, they continue not to be and their kids emulate them.
      April 11, 2020 12:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Giving up parenting to be a friend may have something to do with it Shuhak. Many "parents" should never have had children. Too irresponsible for the task ahead. The kids suffer by growing up to be exactly like their parents and they have kids and are lousy parents too. The result is world of hormone-driven pimply faced adolescents who will never grow up because they simply do not have THE RIGHT STUFF. And they propgate like rabbits and inculcate in their progeny the mediocre ordinary typical standard abject utter averageness. And so it goes. Thank you for your thoughtful answer.
      April 12, 2020 3:57 AM MDT

  • 10797
    This little pandemic we're having is showing what parents really think of their children (as well as their spouse).

    Sure, kids are a handful, but most people are used to shipping them off to school for 30+ hours a week where someone else will do their job for them (raise, feed, teach, babysit).  Raising kids is a very hard job that not everyone is cut out for (but few will admit that).  It's also an awesome responsibility.  Each child is a unique human being.  How its parents treat it, what they teach it, and how they act around it will help shape its entire life.  With schools are closed, parents are finding out that kids are harder to deal with than they thought (they'd rather 'make' them than take care of them).  A few hundred years ago there were few to no schools (especially in rural areas), and many families were big.  Parents had to do everything (teach the kids everything, keep them fed, care them when they were sick/injured (and more)... all while working (such as on a farm).  My, how far we have fallen.  Every day I hear/read of parents who are sick of their kids and wish they'd go back to school (and they've only been out of school for 4 weeks).
      April 12, 2020 10:14 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Well, if we are talking about you know who - then yes, it's dangerous that he is so impulsive. All the more so because whenever he does react without thinking it's almost always hateful and hate-fueled.  Vile and full of bile..  It's never pleasant and always causes more problems..

    That said, I am pretty impulsive and reactive.. I struggle to remain calm and patient. Thankfully though, while sometimes this gets me in trouble, most of my impulses are to help, to do something kind, to reach out to someone.. 
      April 11, 2020 1:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I speak of society as it exists today Addb. Look around you. What do you see? A sea of infants clamoring for the bottle or the pacifier. They never grow beyond that. Thank you for your reply! :)
      April 12, 2020 3:58 AM MDT