Discussion»Questions»Language» What are some ways you have ever used the word “intimate” that have absolutely nothing to do with sensuality and/or sexuality?
I wrote a review for the opening of a play for a local magazine (not routinely but was asked sometimes to do it). The theatre is small and I described the experience as "intimate" because the audience is quite small and you have the feeling the performers are actually performing for you. This dynamic doesn't exist in a large theatre. This was in the 90s. I received many remarks from people I knew who saw the piece. Quite a few mentioned my use of the word intimate as being absolutely right on.
Did you see the parting shot he took just this morning in which he blasted me for having pointed out the hypocrisy of his racism-related reply to Zack when he often paints a broad-brush picture against women? It appears I’ve made yet another death-to-Randy enemy in the span of 30 days. Sigh. ___
I didn't see what you wrote, but in his stream of conscious reply to me, he referred to what you said to him. Now, he hates us both. I think I'll eat worms and die. Care to join me?
Would you believe that just a few moments ago and on another member’s completely unrelated post, he actually apologized to me and said all was forgotten. Go figure.
Your all wrong and twist stuff. No. It wasn't racism. It was defending my stance Randy about not hating women which you wrongfully stated! Don't just assume! We are back where we started Randy! I'm watching you liar!
This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at April 25, 2020 3:09 PM MDT