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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "TRUMP TO FOCUS ON ECONOMY'. Something else he knows NOTHING about but at least folks won't die! HOW GREAT IS THAT?

"TRUMP TO FOCUS ON ECONOMY'. Something else he knows NOTHING about but at least folks won't die! HOW GREAT IS THAT?

He jabberwocked and gibberished and blathered about the COVID 19 for weeks and weeks showing his abject stupidity and ignorance. Switcheroo because of the TERRIBLE BAD PRESS to something he thinks he is very good at but we all know he sucks bigly at. So the market dives. How many will die?  See how much very much better it will be for children and all living things? Get him the he** OUT of making a fool of himself vis a vis life and death matters. For him death will always win. What does he know about life?

Posted - April 27, 2020


  • 2706
    Admittedly, President Trump is no angel but he is getting the job done. Though the liberals unsurprisingly always claim the opposite. The thing is though, liberals with their narcissistic elitist mentality, ugly threats, lack of integrity, adolescent name-calling, and caustic hatred, have become what they claim to hate.

    So what's next for the liberals? For starters, it would be in their best interest to come to grips with reality. The reality that they are destroying themselves, their party, and the United States, with their present actions. Instead of spending all their time trying to crucify President Trump at every turn, perhaps they should try a bipartisan approach to make the United States a better place to live and thrive in. As always, just my opinion.
      April 27, 2020 8:41 AM MDT