Is there a Blueberry Hill somewhere? I thought blueberry stained forever. Another old wive's tale shot to he**! Thank you for your repy E and Happy Sunday to thee.
Is that a stock photo or a class to which you actually belong? If so what color belt are you? Thank you for your reply bevo and Happy Sunday. That's a kid class. Are you a kid or an adult?
I'm unfamiliar with New York SBB but I betcha Spunky will know where 366 goes. Glad it isn't 666! Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday.
This post was edited by RosieG at May 26, 2020 3:59 AM MDT
As the map shows, it's a short road between Ithaca and Freeville in the Finger Lakes region in central New York.
This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at May 26, 2020 4:00 AM MDT
but there are still some other Route 66s where you might be able to get some kicks.
I-66! It goes from Strasburg VA to Washington DC. It once dreamed about going to Fresno CA but a few states built just a few miles of new I-66 and then forgot all about it so sorry, I-66. No California for you!
E66! It goes from Franzensfeste, Italy to Székesfehérvár, Hungary.
AH66! It goes from Xinjiang, China to Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
National Route 66! It starts in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia and ends at the boundary between Northern Territory and Queensland.
Wow. You just took me on a quick tour of the world! I am way way way way way way way impressed LIV! Thank you so much for going above and beyond the immediate and expand upon the faraway too! Happy Monday to you. It doesn't seem appropriate to wish anyone a "happy' Memorial Day under the circumstances! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at May 26, 2020 3:07 AM MDT
I'm unfamiliar with the group or that song sad to say. Couldja help a gal out and synopsize it for me please and thank you! Happy Monday CW! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at May 25, 2020 10:09 AM MDT