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How to get an apt manager to listen to complaints instead of ignoring it?

       my apt manager dont care about nothing, he let someone doing meth stay here for 9 months with her boyfriend who wasnt on the lease, finally got her out cause of her boyfriend, they found meth all over her walls someone under me is breaking the lease by having her toddler grandkids stay there all wknd when my manager is gone, they run around constantly, so my floor is shaking all the time, shes up at 5am every morning, not sure why since shes not working. i heard shes doing pot and wondered why she dont get kicked out for that and why is she even taking care of kids while doing drugs. my apt manager is worthless to talk to, people have said they smelled pot when she opens her door, we're only supposed to have overnight visitors 7 nights a yr, but she does it every wknd, its not fair to the other people that just got out of the hospital for some reason and then cant take naps cause of toddlers, its senior living place. any suggestions on who to talk to if manager dont care? should i tell the police about the smoking pot inside and taking care of kids while doing drugs? any suggestions? shes breaking quiet hrs by bothering me every morning. 

Posted - June 14, 2020


  • 19937
    Instead of your constant complaints, just MOVE already.
      June 14, 2020 3:47 PM MDT

  • 34947
    If they are making noise during the day....there is nothing they can do.   If it is during the night....the only thing you can do is call the police.   But they will not do anything thing about noise like an upset child or a child playing. Just loud parties etc. So the noise from the kids is likely something you have to deal with. 

    If someone is really smoking dope with kids in the could call Family Services.  I would not tell anyone it was you or even mention to any other neighbors (they might figure it was you) 

    The rest is really between the landlord and the neighbor.  If enough different people make complaints they may listen but one complaining over and over and they will tend to quit listening to that one.
      June 14, 2020 6:58 PM MDT

  • 6023
    From personal experience ... it's almost impossible to make an anonymous complaint to Family Services.
    Maybe calling from a phone booth in another city.  Or dropping a letter in the mail in another city, with no return address.

    But if you've complained in the past, they'll know you're the one who called Family Services.
      June 15, 2020 1:37 PM MDT

  • 11464
    Do you think if you keep asking this same question, you'll get a different answer? If you don't like having neighbors, move to a cave in the hills.
      June 14, 2020 8:18 PM MDT

  • 6988
    It took me some years, but I live in the countryside now. Sometimes at night, the silence is shattered by a cat fight. But I can live with that. You see, I once lived in an old trailer park full of drunks and addicts.  The party started at midnight. Sometimes there were gunfights. One kid was wounded. I worked hard and decades later, moved outta there! 
      June 15, 2020 8:12 AM MDT

  • 6023
    If the manager isn't the owner ... check your lease and find out who the actual owners are.
    Contact them directly, with the explanation of why you are going above the manager.
    If there is an actual health hazard like meth ... contact your local health agency. 
    They can literally shut the apartment complex down, if it's contaminated by meth.

    Maybe you should get a lawyer, who could pursue legal recourse as well.
      June 15, 2020 1:41 PM MDT