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"IT'S TOO DARN HOT" in southern California. Today 101. Thereafter 102 97 94 95 101 103 102. Can you beat it? Are you a fan of HOT?

Posted - July 5, 2020


  • 17067
    Sounds like a typical January in Adelaide, and I certainly prefer it to what we have right now:
    Dreary and miserable, gloomy and glum
    Cold as the hair on a polar bear's bum.
    I vastly prefer the summer, Arthur doesn't bother me as much.

    I've been told by visiting Californians that Adelaide reminds them of home as far as climate is concerned. Never rains in summer, drizzles all winter (except when there's drought - then it only rains during the annual Test cricket match, and the Royal Show.
      July 5, 2020 5:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think I mentioned to you before that when I lived in Massachusetts I met two sisters who hailed from Australia. They'd visited southern California and told me their climate was almost identical to it. So maybe they lived in your neck of the woods R. They told me the city but of course I don't remember. That was in the late 1960's! I know you're down under and we're up over so our seasons are opposites. Right now we'd take dreary and miserable gloomy and glum in a heartbeat. We NEVER YEARN FOR SUMMER. We adore autumn like spring easily tolerate winter. It's the summer that is the killer. So why do we live inland and not at the beach? It takes lotsa money to live at the beach. I expect that's true the world over in every country isn't it?  Your words following "then..." killed me. Yes I did laugh out loud! Sometimes weather is an enemy that seems to stalk and attack at the worst of times. Thank you for your reply R! :)
      July 5, 2020 5:56 AM MDT

  • 17067
    There are places on the coast that are cheap - surrounded by desert, which is why nobody lives there.
    Climatically speaking, the entire city of Adelaide is inland, despite it being a seaport. A long way up a long, narrow gulf, so we don't get the moderating influence of ocean. Ergo, hot, dry summers. I do actually yearn for that, my joints unlock and I can move more freely.
      July 5, 2020 10:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    My dear sweet sister-in-law, rest her sweet soul, LOVED HOT WEATHER. She and her husband lived part of the year a small town outside of Reno, Nevada but had a place in southern Arizona they'd escape to when it got cold weather time. My daughter-in-law (David's wife...the son who passed away last year) LOVES hot weather. She and David lived in Oregon for years and he loved it. It was beautiful up there. They moved to Arizona for her and she lives there now. It cannot get too HOT for her and it may be the same thing for her. Her body just feels so much better when it's hot. Jim and I wake up stiff every morning but after a few minutes we're fine. Anyway Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday. STAY SAFE. Two words that sound kinda silly don't they? But I don't know what else to say. A world combatting the same one thing at the same time seems weird. Ever happen before? :)
      July 6, 2020 1:43 AM MDT