Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "UNREST IN PHOENIX. POLICE KILL MAN IN PARKED CAR". So the car isn't moving. Was he pointing a loaded gun at them? Another KILLER COP state?
Hi there WQ! How be you and yours? Fine I hope. Well thank you for the compliment. We're on the same page on this I guess. Wonder if anyone can respond in like kind and tell us the real story without resorting to script or partisan dogma. For once. Would it be loverly? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 7, 2020 1:29 PM MDT
I don't even know that Nanoose. This time I am a complete blank page ready to be written on. SIGH. Just thought I'd approach it from a different angle. Just for the halibut. Thank you for your reply! :)
Read this article for starters then peruse the internet for others. Research almost always brings one to the truth of the matter if one is willing to do their own research that is. :)
Varying details tend to be one of the bigger problems today. Some reporters tend to jump the gun before they get all the facts. Then you have some in the media that tell you only what they want you to know because the truth of the incident may not line up with their beliefs or political stance.
There was a time when the media still had integrity. You could actually trust the media to report all of the news in an unbiased, neutral, honest manner and without politicizing everything. The truth is out there, you just have to take the time to find it.
Yes. As far as the USA, I sometimes see various media sources espousing "their" truths, both so-called left/ liberal media and so-called right/conservative media.
Someone already posted a link to the story but the guy was armed and the police say he not only told them to shoot him, but pointed the gun at them.
They've released some of the bodycam footage and it shows them picking the gun up. I haven't seen proof he pointed the gun at officers yet, but I have a feeling that's what the bodycam footage will show as well.
I have seen officers in this area behave badly, but they're few and far between. Generally speaking, officers have been awesome here. Things have been heated with the BLM protests and such but there have been some really beautiful stories emerging from that too. If it comes out that they acted inappropriately, I'd be astounded. Phoenix police, and those of surrounding cities, are really great overall.
Thank you for your reply Just Asking. When the officers obliged and shot how many shots rang out? It sounded like a barrage from each of them. Wouldn't one shot in the arm or shoulder have done the job. They were right there and he wasn't running. I'm not a gun person but it seem to be it is always overkill. SIGH.