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What's keeping you from joining the Adult Network (all 18+)

At this point only 14 answerMug members have joined the Adult Network. In order to access and participate in the group discussion it's now necessary to sign up for the network, no matter you already were signed up previously on the old site.

Are you facing troubles, or did you just not get to that point, or did you lose interest staying part of your adult group(s)?!

There is a little help here for those facing troubles signing up: How do I access adult content, including adultMug, on answerMug? 
Don't forget there are ToS for the Adult Network too: What kind of stuff can I post in the adult network?

Looking for more company from all those we miss, as new ones.

Posted - October 5, 2016


  • 17261

    I've often wondered what this meant when they... Oh, never mind...
      October 31, 2016 4:32 AM MDT

  • 17261
      October 31, 2016 5:14 AM MDT

  • can't get in
      December 11, 2016 11:52 AM MST

  • 17261
    Oomph. Try this link, it will take you direct to the sign up page without the warning pop-up page.
      December 11, 2016 1:17 PM MST

  • Thank you. I will. :)
      December 13, 2016 8:43 AM MST

  • 17261
    Let me know it it helped you. :-)
      December 13, 2016 9:35 AM MST

  • 17261
    Did you succeed?
      December 14, 2016 4:01 AM MST

  • 46117
    I wouldn't even notice if it disappeared for good.

    (Too many cooks, I know) This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 13, 2016 8:51 AM MST
      December 13, 2016 8:47 AM MST

  • 17261
    You don't look for it Sharonna. I do however believe you appreciate we have a place to goof around not making it any worse on the main board with these questions. Makes more space for your loved political questions.
      December 13, 2016 9:36 AM MST

  • 46117
    I don't love them any more than you do. It is just that there is NOTHING that seems to keep us going like the daily news and politics. 

      December 13, 2016 9:38 AM MST

  • 17261
    It's a wrong conceptualization, Sharonna. In fact some of your non-political questions generate way more than the political ones does. Without going too much into boring statistical numbers, the political questions cover approx 36% of the questions asked recently in the main room (64 out of 180). 18 of these questions had less than 6 views and no replies at all. Even worse, the average views for the political questions is as low as 27.7 views in average per question compared to 76.9 views overall. They got 3.6 replies in average compared to 6.9 replies overall. You see, they are actually pulling levels down.
      December 13, 2016 10:11 AM MST

  • I love you!!
      January 25, 2017 6:56 AM MST

  • Same...I miss our old crowd, we always had so much fun...hmmm WingedWonder was a huge part of that...barely see him anymore.  
      January 24, 2017 8:19 PM MST

  • 17261
    He Willi be back. But yes, it's not the same as before the move to the new platform, I'm not sure why. Most the people are here, maybe the access is too complicate. Previously we could acchess it directly from a drop down menu in the main menus. Meh.
      January 24, 2017 11:35 PM MST

  • And what about GoatJumper. I miss him as well.
      January 25, 2017 12:12 AM MST

  • 17261
    Yus, maybe Glis will know more. 
      January 25, 2017 12:13 AM MST

  • Me too
      January 25, 2017 6:54 AM MST

  • 53336
    What "new format"?
      January 25, 2017 5:41 AM MST

  • 17261
    aM v.2.0. At the old aM we had the drop down menu with questions where adult and free-for-all where shown. Now you have to go to groups first.
      January 26, 2017 4:04 AM MST

  • Ya I know what you mean, it is different and I can't access more than 1 or 2 pages of questions half the time.  We just don't have the flow we had before...I even miss that old grumpy crow.
      January 25, 2017 6:56 AM MST

  • 17261
      January 26, 2017 4:02 AM MST

  • 6098
    I joined on my third day here.  At least I think I did.  Don't have the hang of everything here yet. But have been an "adult" for a long long time.
      March 30, 2017 6:57 PM MDT

  • 12
    Already joined :)
      September 1, 2018 5:10 PM MDT