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Have you seen the banned, unreleased movie trailer for 1973's "The Exorcist"?

I was reading about director William Friedkin rejecting composer Lalo Schifrin's original score for the movie. Then I read that this movie trailer, according to the article, caused some people to run out of the theaters to vomit and supposedly caused some to have seizures. 
Whether or not you've seen the movie  - - (I have) - - this is one scary trailer!! Just moments ago was the first time I've seen it.

(And it features Schifrin's music, which I like, too)

Posted - July 15, 2020


  • 53685


      Wow. I found the trailer boring, unimaginative, uninformative, uninspiring, yawn-worthy. Of course, that‘s with some forty or fifty years having passed since the movie came out, I’m seeing the trailer for the first time and I’m clearly desensitized to a great degree over what people may have been accustomed to back then. I’ve never seen the movie, I was much too young to see it when it was released, and when I got older, I’ve never had an interest in seeing it. The genre itself isn’t my go-to. Looking at the trailer today doesn’t change that lack of interest one iota.

    [Sidebar: when I first read your post, I mistook you to mean that a remake of the movie was coming out soon and that both the remake and at least one of its trailers features the musical score from the original.  It wasn’t until I played the clip that I understood you’re referring to a 1973 trailer and the original movie production.]


      July 15, 2020 9:14 PM MDT

  • 23834
    I added "1973" to the question. Hopefully that might help others in case anyone else comes across my question.
    :)  Thanks!
    I have to leave now but I plan to come back later and reply more. Thanks for reading, watching and answering. :)

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at July 16, 2020 7:27 AM MDT
      July 16, 2020 7:18 AM MDT

  • 23834
    Hi Randy D! I enjoyed reading your answer, thanks! Parts of my reply to you are from my reply to righty1. :)

    I tuned into your "uninformative" reaction to the trailer because that's one of the major reasons I like the trailer so well. 
    I am not at all a fan of most movie trailers because, to me, they so often show way too much of the movie, along with HUGE plot spoilers. To me, after seeing most movie trailers, there's then almost no reason to go see the movie. :)

    In fact, I remember seeing a movie trailer for a suspense/detective movie of some kind and this trailer included a scene from the literal last five minutes of the film. A scene in the trailer included the main character, frightened, in a closet.   And, then, weeks later some friends wanted to see the movie. I went with them. Through the entire movie, the main character goes through all sorts of dangerous incidents and I knew, "Well, she'll get out of this one because she hasn't been in the closet yet." And she ended up being in the closet only in the last five minutes of the movie. The entire movie was ruined for me because the trailer showed her in the closet.  :)

    And, in general, I'm on the opposite spectrum of opinion to your choice of  adjectives on the trailer, ha! :)  And certain genres would not appeal to me, also, regardless of the trailer - -  like a James Bond film. I've only seen one. And I can't even remember the title. I have no desire to see another one. (Even now, with hot Daniel Craig as Bond! Ha!)

    Some reasons why I like this "Exorcist" trailer are its  intriguing-to-me "set-up" opening and then a long series of shocking still images that reveal very little of the story (though, the images are all images from the movie; but I know the movie well, ha), all the while using some great music (that never appeared in the movie).

    Thanks for being the first to chime in on my question because I enjoyed seeing the trailer for the first time from a movie I admire. :)

    OH!! And, for me, THE biggest reason the movie works so well to me is Ellen Burstyn's performance as the little girl's mother -- Burstyn brings such depth to a mother watching her child go through such pain. My care for this mother is what made it all very scary for me (and her performance is stellar in a film with a huge amount of superlative ingredients to me). And, to me, no one ever seems to talk so much about Burstyn or the character of the mother -- it's all about the girl, the exorcist, shocking scenes, etc. But, again, for me, the mother's role is what makes me give a hoot. :) 
    So, my point there: Burstyn's performance is alone worth the time maybe. 

    Again, thanks for answering -- I've enjoyed replying and reading your answer! :)

    EDIT: Accidentally, I earlier gave myself an Asker's Pick to my own reply to righty 1 when I meant to give the Pick to his answer. I mention this to you only because I based part of my reply to you from my reply to him.  :)

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at July 16, 2020 8:15 PM MDT
      July 16, 2020 6:42 PM MDT

  • 13277
    I also never saw nor had any interest in seeing it. This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at July 23, 2020 1:10 PM MDT
      July 16, 2020 7:27 AM MDT

  • 23834
    Yeah, I get it. for me, it would be like watching a new Star Wars movie trailer -- no interest at all. :)

    I really enjoyed seeing this "Exorcist" trailer for the first time, after years and years have gone by from my first seeing the movie. I like the trailer, too. Ha!
    I really like the movie for a lot of different reasons, including, like I shared with Randy D in my reply to him, Ellen Burstyn's performance as the little girl's mother.

    Thanks for joining in on my question. I enjoyed everyone's input!
      July 16, 2020 6:46 PM MDT

  • 2327
    This is my first time viewing it (trailer). Scary? Kinda. Do I like it? Yes. What do I like about it? It doesn't show scenes from the movie. That's one thing I dislike about most trailers, they show too many damn scenes and gives the movie away. 

      July 16, 2020 12:10 PM MDT

  • 23834
    [ EDIT: CRAP!! Earlier, I accidentally gave myself an Asker's Pick on my reply to you -- that was a mistake - I meant it for your answer! What is my problem lately? Geez. ]


    I am not at all a fan of most movie trailers for that EXACT reason - - most movie trailers, to me, show way too much of the movie with HUGE plot spoilers. To me, after seeing most movie trailers, there's then almost no reason to go see the movie. :)

    In fact, I remember seeing a movie trailer for a suspense/detective movie of some kind and this trailer included a scene from the literal last five minutes of the film. A scene in the trailer included the main character, frightened, in a closet.   And, then, weeks later some friends wanted to see the movie. I went with them. Through the entire movie, the main character goes through all sorts of dangerous incidents and I knew, "Well, she'll get out of this one because she hasn't been in the closet yet." And she ended up being in the closet only in the last five minutes of the movie. The entire movie was ruined for me because the trailer showed her in the closet.  :)

    Soon after that experience, when we'd all go to movies, all those movie trailer previews began and that was when I took everyone's snack orders and I went to the theater snack bar to get everything -- specifically, so I could avoid seeing any movie trailers! Ha!

    One of the major reasons I like this "Exorcist" trailer is exactly what you said - - an intriguing-to-me "set-up" opening and then a long series of shocking still images that reveal very little of the story (though, the images are all images from the movie; but I know the movie well, ha), all the while using some great music (that never appeared in the movie).

    I plan on utilizing parts of my reply to you to Randy D's answer, too. :)

    Though I like all of the answers so far, an Asker's Pick simply because you and I are completely on the same page as far as movie trailers. And, hey - - if you and I went to a movie together, we could both avoid the trailers and then after the movie, we could go to Skyline Chili and I could finally try those coneys while we talk about the movie and Kristofferson's great Sunday Morning song Ha!

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at July 17, 2020 1:51 PM MDT
      July 16, 2020 6:27 PM MDT

  • 2327
    Thanks for the pick! :D

    Yes, I have a feeling that If "The Exorcist" was being released today, the trailer would completely spoil it. I bet they would show her head turning around, the projectile pea soup, and the priest falling down the steps. There would be literally no point of watching the movie. I like the trailer you posted so much because the main focus is on the demon Captain Howdy, the face you only get slight glimpses of during the actual movie. 

    Skyline and Kris Kristofferson sounds like a great combination, yes. Consider that a virtual night-out. Next time I get my coneys, I must listen to that track. :)
      July 17, 2020 1:57 PM MDT

  • 23834


    I'm with you all the way on all of that. :)
    You're welcome for the Pick, too!
      July 18, 2020 7:34 AM MDT

  • 7809
    This trailer is unknown to me. However, I saw The Exorcist when I was about 6 years old which means I got a really early start getting used to the genre. These days I'm immune to being scared to any degree. Super-natural and/or horror flicks are like comedies to me nowadays. This post was edited by Zack at July 16, 2020 6:57 PM MDT
      July 16, 2020 12:19 PM MDT

  • 23834
    Omg --  I saw the movie as a late teen and it scared me!!

    For a long time, I really enjoyed horror movies of all kinds. Not so much now because I tend to let myself get upset. I don't find any of them like a comedy, ha! But I get your point.:)

    Hey, though - - but I still love the horror/comedy movie "Creepshow." The movie's ads'/posters' phrase was "The most fun you'll ever have being scared!" I agree! Ha!
    :) Movie Posters 27 x 40 Creepshow: Prints: Posters & Prints This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at July 16, 2020 8:15 PM MDT
      July 16, 2020 6:56 PM MDT

  • 7809
    Yea. It's still pretty cool. Even the sequel.
      July 16, 2020 8:09 PM MDT

  • 23834
    I think I saw that "first" "Creepshow" sequel and I liked that one, too, yeah. I think there might be more sequels but I'm unsure. I've only seen one of the "Creepshow" sequels - - in the sequel, I most remember the story about some "creature" lurking/floating on a small lake.
      July 16, 2020 8:15 PM MDT