1. Type of vehicle, such as sedan, truck, SUV, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, or other.
2. Size.
3. New or used or doesn’t matter.
4. Propulsion non-electric, electric, or other.
5. Exterior color.
5a. Interior color (if applicable).
6. Any other specifications that you either must have, want to have, would like to have, or might consider.
7. When you might purchase it, such as immediately, within the next week, month, four months, year, when finances allow, awaiting a particular financially-related event to happen, depends on how long my current vehicle holds out, other factors determine it, etc.
Thank you.
I am thinking of
1. a pickup truck
2. two-door, standard cab, medium sized bed
3. most likely used
4. 4-cylinder or 6-cylinder gas propulsion engine
5. black, but if used, will accept dark blue or dark brown
6. nothing older than 5 years, no salvage vehicle, no history of accidents, complete power package, Bluetooth compatible, GPS, tire sensors, tire size must be standard
7. no need to buy it presently, it can be classified as a want and not a need, can wait until current vehicle needs to be replaced, can wait at least two to three years if not longer, and finances over that time period will play a large role in the decision, in no hurry
The word “currently” appears to be the hill on which I plan to die. I do understand your point about its misuse, and I in fact took that into consideration when I wrote my post, my final decision was to include it.
You know I wish I could help you find someone who has your dream car!