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Have you ever woken up gasping for air/unable to nearly breathe?

Last night jolted awake to gasping for air.. I couldn't actually get air in for a good 20 seconds, and then on the 5th or 6th gasp in, I could fully breathe. It was very nerving, and a bit scary.. I think it happened about a few years ago as well. I looked up info online, but no clear answers.. some say it can be acid acting up, causing restricted airway, some say it can occasionally be sleep apnea related, or some said anxiety. I am not sure which... I do have anxiety, but can't imagine this physical feeling waking me up like that, gasping. Any ideas, or have you gone through that ?

Posted - October 6, 2016


  • 477
    I've never experienced that, no. Worth mentioning to your doc, if it happens repeatedly. Were you on your back? Try sleeping on your right side at night, it might make it easier to breathe. 
      October 6, 2016 10:25 PM MDT

  • Yes. Acid re flux.
      October 6, 2016 10:31 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Was it like you felt you almost couldn't breathe at all, upon waking up? I was gasping, no air would go in :/ About the 5th big gasp in, air flowed into my mouth.. it was rather scary ...Was yours like that ? Do you get it often? I'm just debating whether to talk/visit the doctor.. many said it could be anxiety or maybe sleep apnea. The thing is this happened maybe 3 yrs ago as well, just once.. so if I had sleep apnea I think I would have had more symptoms since then, feeling tired,or intermittent shortnes of breath waking up..I hope you are feeling better overall, and that you are well T :)
      October 8, 2016 12:18 AM MDT

  • 3375
    I do want to add that I occasionally will get spasms if I cough too hard in my throat.  It feels like my airway is closing off!  I read the best thing to do is not panic and breathe through your nose.  I also immediately drink real cold water if I can grab it.  I am still here, so the spasm always stops.  Scary to not feel like you can breathe though.
      October 8, 2016 4:09 PM MDT

  • 85
    I've woken up during the begining of a panic attack having difficulty breathing, which later progressed to me feeling like I couldn't breathe and gasping for air. Perhaps you had a panic attack in your sleep?
    Either way, it's well worth a mention to your doctor. Not know the cause or the effects it could have seems dangerous.
      October 6, 2016 10:32 PM MDT

  • From acid heartburn..  It's terrifying.
      October 6, 2016 10:40 PM MDT

  • 2758
    You got that chit correct!  I used to get it frequently until I ceased eating/drinking anything more than water four hours before bedtime.
      October 7, 2016 2:15 AM MDT

  • My trick.  Have a club soda at night after dinner.
      October 7, 2016 6:43 AM MDT

  • Mine was a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before bed.
      October 7, 2016 11:23 AM MDT

  • If it works for ya'.   The whole treating an acid problem with more acid doesn't seem logical to me.

    Kinda like when my sister pulls that "alkaline water made with  lemons" (acidic. nothing alkaline) woo.
      October 7, 2016 1:27 PM MDT

  • 1326
    You may have sleep apnea. You should definitely see a doctor asap.
      October 6, 2016 11:14 PM MDT

  • 2758
    I'm gonna go with acid reflux or sleep apnea.  I've had reflux before after a night of hard partying.  It AIN'T fun!

    Either way, see your doctor about it.  It's prolly nothing, but it's serious enough to warrant a visit.

      October 7, 2016 2:14 AM MDT

  • 3375
    Yes!!!  Absolutely terrifying.  I am also reading the responses here with great interest.  I do know I am a mouth breather and my throat gets very dry.  I assume it's some sort of spasm.  It happens once or twice a year.

      October 7, 2016 11:46 AM MDT

  • 1138
    That sucks you did too :/ Was it that you couldn't get in any air for half a minute??? That is what happened.. couldn't get air in, after gasping awake...Many are saying it is prob sleep apnea, but I don't think I have that... it has only happened one other time a few yrs. ago... I guess if it happens another time I might ask doctor, hoping it won't, and for you too
      October 7, 2016 11:07 PM MDT

  • 3375
    Here is what I found about gasping for air while waking up.  Hope this gives you ideas to explore with your doctor.  It is very scary!  In my case, I was not fully awake yet, so it could have been a nightmare causing a spasm.  I know if it happens again, I am seeing a doctor.

      October 8, 2016 4:05 PM MDT

  • 17641
    That is what happens when you have sleep apnea.    Yes, it sounds scary.    Tell your doctor about it; he may order sleep studies.
      October 7, 2016 10:52 PM MDT

  • 34948
    Sounds like sleep apnea. Your muscles in your throat actually relax to the point they block your air passages. The jerking awake is your bodies way of saving to get you to breathe. 
    Do you snore, or wake up with a headache a lot? These are symptoms of or.
    My husband has it. This post was edited by my2cents at October 9, 2016 10:21 AM MDT
      October 8, 2016 7:51 PM MDT

  • 1138
    I do snore, but my sis has heard me and says I don't have pauses, like the silent lil moments that indicate sleep apnea .... it wasn't a jerking awake where more it was a jumping up literally gasping for air, no air coming in for maybe 20 secs... finally air got in... it has happened once a few yrs ago and I don't think I had sleep apnea then... I guess if it happened again I can talk to my doc... ty so much for your reply
      October 9, 2016 12:01 AM MDT

  • Yes I do a lot...from sleep apnea.  :-( This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 9, 2016 10:21 AM MDT
      October 9, 2016 12:48 AM MDT

  • 22891
    maybe you should go to the er when that happens , that could be your heart
      October 9, 2016 9:30 PM MDT

  • If it happens again, you must consult your physician, especially if you are over 50. Until then, take it to be a functional glitch in the system. I hope it remains just that -  a rare glitch. 
      October 18, 2016 5:51 PM MDT