Do you mind standing out from the crowd and being the center of attention? Do you mind being in the spotlight Priya? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
Maybe a bit of both. If I am always standing out, perhaps my thinking is a bit off. But it sure is not my goal to just go with the flow to make everyone happy.
Do you like to be the center of attention PeaPod? Do you enjoy being in the spotlight? I"m a sidelines/shadows gal and I avoid spotlights. They make me very uneasy. I was a painfully shy child so being invisible was often my fondest wish. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
I'm a sidelines/shadows gal. I yield the spotlight to all who enjoy it. I do not. I go my own way. Always have. If others happen to be going in the same direction I enjoy the company. But I dislike crowds so I avoid them. I like to be left alone to do my thing unrestricted by others' expectations of me. I enjoy being accepted for who I am I was a painfully shy child and while I think I have pretty much outgrown that (if not by now when?) I still withdraw when I'm uncomfortable and prefer to avoid rather than engage in combat. I like engaging in conversations where the participants have differences of opinion. That is how you learn. But I don't like those who come equipped with the baggage of hostility and acrimony. You would be amazed how many of those there are! Not my cuppa tea m'dear. Thank you for your reply CMI and Happy Monday! :)