He wasn't and isn't a GRACIOUS WINNER! Whineing and kvetching and moaning and groaning and having a constant woe is me pity party. "No one likes me. It must be my personality". Vis a vis when SCOTUS made decisions against what he wanted know what the a** said ? "I guess they don't like me". AARRGGHH! FOUR MORE YEARS OF THAT CRAP? SERIOUSLY? GAG ME WITH A SPOON! He** on steroids.
He doesn’t know the meaning of the word loose. In his mind, he’s never lost. He simply blames a “misfortunate” on someone else, or declares it invalid.
I’ve been thinking. Some people think that if he loses he won’t vacate the Whitehouse. But what if it’s not him that won’t leave, but his followers? Not the appointees and such, but his millions of devoted followers. What if THEY declare the election invalid? They are the ones who won’t believe any results that don’t keep their king in office (more conspiracy theories). They’ll go through every city and town in the nation, promoting violent protests, bombings, and deliberate anarchy. No matter the outcome of the election (if we even get to have one) many people won’t accept it.